To Bet on Losing Dogs - Cardinal Sin VII: Saint Khidon Watched, Amused

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Cardinal Sin VII: Saint Khidon Watched, Amused

The Fifteenth Day of the Seventh Moon, 873 AD.
Aegos, Aegan Hills, Western Dathan.

His eyes shot open as he bolted upright in bed. He was alive. His little gambit had paid off, for he was alive and now had a casus-belli to find Admeta and have her arrested, maybe even executed if all was good with the world. He swung his legs off the side of the bed and stood on his feet, gladdened that the action didn't result in any aches or weakness. He must have only been out a day or two, thank the Saints, and so the initiative was now in his hands. He didn't know what had happened in the days since his poisoning, nor did he particularly care to know. By his reckoning almost everyone in the outside world could fuck off and die while he dealt with this shitstorm, but with his clarity quickly returning he also realised that the events of the last day or two were vitally important for him to know before he acted rashly.

"Father! I mean, your Holiness, your Cardinalship, I-"

The servant stepped backwards and stopped stumbling over their words at the level stare he gave them. It wasn't quite a glare, it didn't have enough malice for that, but it was certainly a dark expression nonetheless.

"My cane and my clothes, boy. A pail of water, a rag, and some soap as well."

The servant swallowed, clearly uncomfortable whilst speaking to him.
"Your Holiness, I- I should really go and inform the other cardinals that you have-"

"You will do no such thing!" Sin snapped out, vitriol oozing from his words. "Do as I ask, boy! Do not displease me!"

The servant made a squeaking noise and nodded his assent fervently before scampering off as fast as his legs would take him. He didn't particularly like raising his voice like that, but now wasn't the time for pleasantries and niceties. Now was the time for readying himself and then for acting, as fast as he was able and not a moment later.

He washed quickly and dressed quicker, flexing his muscles to try and warm himself up for what he was now going to do. He thought for a brief moment about calling for Spyridon, but stopped himself. Better not to involve his friend in this next course of action.

When he was ready he picked up his cane and strode with purpose out of the medical chamber he'd been lain in, ignoring the exclamations from those he stalked past in the corridors. His destination was known to him, his purpose singular, and as he made his way to the men who would enact his plan for him he forced down a grim smile. He was Cardinal Sin, and in circumstances such as this Cardinal Sin had a face that dared those who gazed upon him not to turn away in fear.

After ten minutes of stalking through corridors he reached the internal barracks of the senate building and, ignoring the protests from the guards at the doors, he burst into the room. Guardsmen who had been stood around in small groups or sat at tables stared at him with a mixture of surprise and fear, and as he gazed around he sniffed at the air as if he were a hound searching for its prey.

"Who is in command of this barracks?"

There was silence for a few seconds, but before he made to continue speaking a voice spoke up in heavily accented, though perfectly fluent, Dathanian.

"I am, your Holiness. Captain Dessano, at your service."

The man knelt before him. Dessano, huh? Given his name and accent it seemed as though he was more likely to hail from one of the Tildan principalities rather than any of the Dathanian statelets, not that Sin particularly cared where the man had come from. At the end of the day he just needed the captain to do as he was ordered by him, and not to crumble under pressure when faced with a second cardinal.

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