Chapter 3 - Redemption

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Quote of Chapter:
" I will stop searching for his redemption when I find that there is none left to be found"

* Klaus's Pov *

We had arrived at the house about a week ago, and most of that week consisted of me trying to find a witch that would protect my daughter. Also I had to settle Hope in to the new surroundings, she had been moved around so much.

* Flashback *

I was sitting outside the house that Hope was being kept safe watching the fire die away, Hope was on my lap and for that one moment in my life I wasn't the big bad Hybrid I was a dad. Maybe I could be redeemed I mean I would always be the feared one, and I would always remain that. But if that meant losing my daughter to my enemies I would happily run with her, I looked down to see Hope grabbing onto my hand trying to roll over I smiled.

"She has changed a lot hasn't she. Our baby girl has changed and we weren't there to see it" Hayley murmured sadly sitting next to me, I hadn't even noticed her appear.

"I mean she is only 6 months old and she hasn't had a proper home, and she has only seen her parents twice this being the second time since she was born" Hayley continued, in that moment I had to agree with her we had defeated Francesca and her pack of mutts. Then dear old mummy decided to come and visit from the other side,

"Our daughter will return and when she does we will be ready for her, she will have a home and a family that will love her. We will be invincible after all family is power" I declared picking Hope and walking in inside.

* End of flashback *

I hadn't found a witch yet that I thought would be strong enough to help and protect my daughter but I would, I was currently with Hope in the garden she was crawling around everywhere now. I looked over to her and she was playing with a flower that she had found, she was so innocent! clueless to what was going on around her if only she knew. Hope would be brought into it one day but she would have my guidance and training, she would be unstoppable and it would be by her own choice. I wouldn't force her. I couldn't.

Picking up Hope I made my way back to the house, I had to say the house was pretty big with about 7 bedrooms and 5 bathrooms. I mean when your over a thousand years old you kind of have all the money in the world, and there is not much you can really do with it. I mean you could pay off a few vampires to do  your dirty work, or do it yourself which I did a lot. I was greeted by a shocking sight as I reached the front door, there was a young woman no older then 30, she had a fist to the door like she was about to knock but she hesitated.

"Who the bloody hell are you?" I declared trying not to raise my voice and scare Hope.

"I heard you were looking for a witch to protect you and your daughter, my name is Paisley and I'm the witch for the job"

"How did you find me? I mean a witch cloaked me and my daughter before we left" I stated holding Hope closer to me.

"I used a small spell that only my mother knew it disables a cloaking spell for five minutes, and here I am" Paisley announced walking closer to me. I stepped back suddenly wary for Hope's safety,

"What's in it for you witch, because no offense in my experience witches tend to be a pain in the ass"

"I hold a grudge agaisnt people trying to kill children even if they are a hybrid child, whose dad is known as being a psychotic sociopath. No offense!" She held up her hands I considered her deal for a while she seemed powerful enough, and I did need a witch on my side.

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