"I'll call you later, I still got a few more things to do."

          "Alright, call me later."

          She hung up and got back to shopping, and she had more important things to worry about right now than Deijah.

          The day went by fast, and by the time she knew it, she was back at home packing her bag. It was four in the afternoon, and he just said to be ready by eight tonight. She still needed to shower and do small other things before she left her place alone for this week.

          Her parents didn't know and she hadn't told them anything about Neem. It wasn't like he was her nigga so she didn't feel she had to tell them anything about him as of now.

          She just made sure all her immediate friends knew in case of any emergencies. But she did trust him enough to at least keep her safe, anything else though, she wasn't certain.

          She was assuming his friends were coming too so she wouldn't be the only one that had to be keeping him company the whole time. Knowing that did relieve some of her anxiety about it.


          "You sure you got everything? You already got me over here with three different suitcases."

         "Okay? but the other two are small so I don't wanna hear it."

          The car was here to pick them up and take them to the airport. It was a black suburban with a driver, but Maya wasn't expecting anything less from him anyways.

          Maya didn't know what they were flying yet but messing with him it was most likely first class. That wouldn't bother her even if they didn't, and she was just happy to be out of the country somewhere she's never been.

          "That's all. Anything I forgot must not be that important," Maya said, pulling out her phone and texting her gc that she was about to leave. All the girls were just hyping her up and congratulating her, just like always.

          The driver got out and began putting their luggage in the back. Maya was beginning to get more nervous, she was actually going out of the country with this nigga.

          He helped her in the car and got to the side next to her. Maya was still getting used to this suburban ass environment he had her in, but she couldn't lie and say she didn't like it.

           "You've been out there before?" She said, leaning against the door

          "No, it's my first time."

          "We'll be there in fifteen minutes. If any stops on the way let me know" Said the Cheaufer 

          Nehemiah reached to put her seatbelt on. Maya always thought that was weird since he didn't wear one. Why'd he remember hers but not his?

          "Put yours on too"

          He glanced at her for a second before putting his on too.

          "Why you looking at me like that?"

          "Because why do I have to remind you to put your seatbelt on?"

          "Mommy ass. You don't gotta remind me nun"

          "Yes I did because you woulda been the first one through that window. I should be getting thanked right now sir"

          "I just didn't want to put it on, but since you tripping, you got it"

          The rest of the ride was pretty much quiet. She was on her phone most of the time, but every few minutes she could feel he was looking at her. She wanted to say something but knew it would be stupid to.

          As they were approaching their destination, Maya was looking out the window. She was noticing how quiet this 'airport' was. She could see planes, but it was like hardly anybody there.

          The car pulled in right in front of this jet and that's when it hit her that they weren't going to an airport, they were flying private.

          Which, she's never done before.

          "I'll get both of your stuff from out of the back, don't worry about anything."

          Neem got out and helped Maya out of the car. She was still very much shocked since this was more than she was expecting.

          "Is this private, or am I tripping?" He grabbed her hand, pulling their interlocked fingers up to his lips to give her hand a kiss.

         "We can't spend quality time if we on commercial"


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