Chapter 12

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Rick:I should probably ignore that but
Rick said as he uses his chains to grab poison ivy from attacking Megan
Rick; no touching my friend
Rick said as he uses his powers to give poison ivy a shock before sending her through some trees

Rick continued to fight anyone who was close enough and managed to knock count vertigo into some rocks as well as knocking poison ivy back into more trees......after a while it seemed everything was going to plan until Rick felt something sharp stabbing into his should

Rick shouted as he checks to see what hit him to see a batrang courtesy of robin which allowed Wotan to blast Rick away with a magic attack sending him through a boulder

Rick slowly got back up while removing the batrang from his shoulder
Rick;he's going to get it
Rick said as he crushed the batrang

As Rick went back to where he was thrown from he saw that the battle was coming to a close as the justice league appeared to take over....but joker was planning on using spore to kill everyone there that was until chains wrapped around his hands and began to crush them

Rick;not this time bastard
Rick said as he walks towards them

Batman;release him now
Batman demanded

Rick: and allow him to kill everyone here real smart there
Rick said as he added more pressure making the joker scream in pain

Green arrow;okay I would have to agree with him on that
Green arrow said

Superman;that's enough
Superman said as goes to remove the chains from the joker but it ended up burning his hands due to the chains being covered in a green aura

Wonderwoman; Rick he must face justice release him and allow us to give him into the proper authorities
Wonderwoman said but all that did was anger Rick

Rick; justice really he's killed a lot of people so much that I'm surprised that he did not get the death penalty yet....besides even if you lock him up he's going to end up escaping and kill again so why don't I do the world a favor and make it where he can't hurt anyone anymore
Rick said as his eyes began to glow a bit as he planned to cripple the damn clown

Robin;see I told you he's no better th-
Robin gets cut off by Rick punching him sending him through a tree

Wally said as he goes to check on him

Artemis aimed her bow towards Rick but it was snapped in two by another pair of chains
Artemis; damnit
Artemis said as she lost her bow

Rick;he fucking deserved it for throwing a batrang into my shoulder
Rick said

Megan;please Rick let him go
Megan said as she pleaded with Rick

Aqualad:you will hand him over than you must atone for your crime
Aqualad said weakly as he just got released from being the host of doctor fate

Superboy: aqualad he did even do anything wrong in fact he helped us on this mission aqualad he could have said no but he helped us instead
Superboy said as he defended Rick

But everything went quite when the joker said something that sealed his fate

Joker;go on than kid listen to the adults didn't your mother tell you to listen to
oh wait I forgot she dead by dear old daddy, I guess she's a bad excuse of a mother!
Joker said as if that would do anything and it did

The chains around the joker's arms began to wrap around his legs as well as his neck before beginning to pull in different directions

Flash;stop it Rick
Flash said as he tried to stop Rick but he along with anyone near him to be sent back by a blast of pressure

Rick;you dare talk about my mother I'll fucking kill you!!!
Rick said as green aura surrounded his body but also he began to show a more darker an ruthless side as the chains continue to pull further apart while burning the joker's flesh

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