Quackity Runs Away

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Quackity runs on all fours to chace a car in Los Angeles. Cars honk on him and animal control is chasing him. His human form cannot stop him. He has legs, sure, but he doesn't have arms, or hands, or fingers, or feet, or... anything except these alien legs.

An angry woman from the car chases after Quackity, yelling expletives and telling him that he's not a real dog. She continues her run as Quackity and his legs make a beeline for a parking meter. She screams that she'll just go and get a real dog, and then he'll have to answer to her later.

Quackity catches the parking meter and rams it into the door of the person in the driver's seat of the car. The parking meter grabs the car door handle and, yanking it with all of its force, throws it open. A woman is thrown from the car onto the parking meter, crushing it beneath her weight. The car comes to a screeching halt, then turns, and heads straight for Quackity. The car stops just short of hitting the creature, and Quackity flees.

The woman gets out of the car, and drops her keys on the ground. Quackity picks them up, runs off, and returns them to the woman, who appears to be more grateful than before. The woman drives off in the car.

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