Going Hunting

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Quackity scoffs at the McDonald's. 

"I will not eat the human food. I hate the humans."

His back cracks as he gets on all fours. 

Quackity has not taken a shower in 7 days since his new life as who he is meant to be.

A wolf.

Un lobo.

Se me pone dura cuando ladro.

Quackity runs into the forest  on all fours.

He spots a deer that looks like Quackity's younger self.

Quackity lowers his front legs and wiggles his butt.

"I'm going to eat you tehe."

Quackity runs after the deer.

The deer pulls out a BTS meal.

Quackity barks.

Quackity has mud and rocks under his nails and his nails start hurting.

Quackity lays down crying.

The deer walks over to Quackity and hands him the BTS meal.

They both laugh and smile eating their BTS meal together while real wolves attack a deer in the background and the deer in the background dies.

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