Not good - bucky barnes ⚠️

Comenzar desde el principio

"Hi max" I smiled seeing his standing there. He smiled and leaned down to kiss my cheek before I lead him inside and to where the avengers were
"Guys, this is max" they each went around shaking hands with max before we all sat down on the couches

"So how did you guys meet?" Steve asked as I felt Max's hand slip into mine

"We went to the same university, we lost touch after though but ran into each other and caught up again"

"I'm gonna check on the food" wanda said standing up and going to the kitchen with vision right behind her as they both were on dinner duty tonight

"So tell us more about yourself Max"

"Uh- well, i'm a marketing manager so-" max was cut off by Sam

"You are?" He asked finding what max did intresting. Max let off a laugh and nodded turning to me

"Have you told them anything about me?" Max asks in a teasing tone but I was the only one that caught onto the anger behind it

"I did" I tried to smile but max just brushed it off and turned back to the conversation, but I knew it would come up later, especially since his hand is gripping my hand extra tight right now

I tuned out the rest of the conversation for the remainder until we were all called to the dining table for dinner


They all took a sest at the table, all conversing with one another, questions to and from, the main subject being max

But there was two people who weren't speaking. Lilah and Bucky. Bucky hadn't even wanted to be here today, but Steve had forced him to. And now all he could see was how unhappy lilah looked. And it was all his fault

He knew that. Because if he had just spoke to her after their kiss, told her he wanted them to be together she wouldn't have started to date this pathetic excuse of a man

The signs were all there, how Bucky couldn't see it before was another question cause now he's looking back it was so obvious

She had been tense the past week about dinner today, her outings with the group were limeted from as soon as her phone rang, which was obviously max. She tensed whenever someone would get close to her and even when theres no missions she still seems to have some sort of bruise

"Bucky" wanda whispered snapping buckys attention from lilah who was staring down at her plate. He looked to wanda with raised hands but then followed his gaze to his hands. Which was currently tightly gripping onto a now crumpled fork

He released his hold on it with a sigh and took the spare one wanda held out with him

Now wanda was angry too. Wanting to know what's got buckys anger levels spiked she entered the front of his mind and just like with Bucky, all the pieces fit

"Hey lilah, remember we've got to go through a few bases tomorrow" Mr stark said as he took a bute of his trimmed beans

"Tomorrow?" Max questioned turning to lilah
"I thought we had plans tomorrow" her face went from confused to shocked in the space of a second

"Shit max. I completely forgot. Can we take a rain check?" Her voice came out quiet as she awaited his answer but intead of a slap like she was expecting he just pressed his lips to the top of her head

"Of course babe" she nodded and turned back to her food


That night when max offered for lilah to stay over she agreed, not wanting to do anything to aggravate her boyfriend more. But she didn't realise just how mad he was until they were back inside his apartment

Multi-Fandom Imagines | 3 - requests openDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora