Not good - bucky barnes ⚠️

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Published: 7/9/23

Content: angst, fluff

Warning: mean words

O/C name - Lilah

Imagine: the avengers meeting a nightmare boyfriend

I SAT ON THE COMMON ROOM COUCH WITH THE TV PLAYING in the background that I wasn't paying attention too

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I SAT ON THE COMMON ROOM COUCH WITH THE TV PLAYING in the background that I wasn't paying attention too. I was too worried

My boyfriend was meeting the avengers today, one of the (not so good) perks of being on the team

But we're like a family and they want to know these things, like my likes and if i'm dating anyone

I had been an avenger for almost 3 years and started dating Max 7 months ago. I wish i could say I absolutely adored him at the start, but that's not exactly how it went

I've been in love with bucky barnes since the moment be came to join the avengers which was only a few months after me

It was like a schoolgirl crush that I couldn't stop and I couldn't do anything either when it became more

But I knew Bucky well enough to know that me and him would never be a thing and although Wanda and Nat tried to convince me otherwise I always knew he wouldn't

But one time I slipped up. My gaze met his for too long when we was in the kitchen at 1am and I leaned in. I kissed Bucky. And he kissed me back.

My happiness became short lived as I realised what I had done so I ran off to bed without another word. Neither of us ever spoke about it again

We were back to friends. I waited, hoping he would bring it up in a conversation but he never did. A week turned into months and when Max asked me out I thought it would be a great way to get rid of my feelings for Bucky

So I said yes. We dated for a while and then he asked me to be his girlfriend. I agreed. Maybe it took some time for me to be over Bucky. So I continued to date Max

I could see he was bad for me, that the things he said to me and the way he acted was not normal but I couldn't bring myself to leave. because I didn't want look like a coward. because how does an avenger become so weak they can't defend themselves? it was embarrassing

And now we're here.. Where I am to sat nervously waiting for Max get here, hoping that he doesn't slip up in front of my friends

"Well be nice, don't worry" stark said winking at me. I nodded but not for what he was saying, more so to try and make myself feel better

"You look like you could throw up any moment" clint laughed from beside me and I rolled my eyes

"Mr Adams is in the elevator, currently on the way"

I tensed at the sound of jarvis 

"I-uh. I'm gonna get him" I muttered once I realised they had all turned to me
"And be nice" they all either nodded or rolled their eyes and I made my way to the elevator, taking a quick deep breath before It opened in front of me 

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