七 / 7. Good News

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"One learns more from traveling a thousand miles than from reading a thousand scrolls."

~ Chinese Proverb

"Zǎoshang hǎo, wǒ de ài (Good morning, my love)." Cheng's soft Mandarin dialect beckons me away from my dreams like a tinkling bell. He leans in to kiss me as I open my eyes, but I push my fingers against his lips.

"Be careful of my dragon breath."

He chuckles and strokes my cheek. "Everything is going to be all right, Jade. I spoke with my father while you were sleeping, and we came to an agreement. He will continue to run the company as planned. And," he grins, "I also told him about our engagement."

"What did he say?"

"That he wants us to get married here in China."

"Really?" I sit up. "That's amazing."

"Yes. It is a dream come true, isn't it?" Excited, he watches the news sink in and springs up from the bed. "Hurry, my parents asked you to join us for breakfast." After he leaves, I change out of my pajamas and pull my ring out of the drawer.

Guess I don't have to hide this anymore.

As I enter the dining room, everything seems to be fine on the surface--but an odd vibe remains.

"There's our bride-to-be," Boqin remarks. In the middle of breakfast, he already starts making wedding plans, which catches me off guard. "I'll have your parents flown to Beijing as soon as we set a date. It will be the celebration of the century."

I read the lines in his face, trying to uncover some kind of ulterior motive but to no avail. Seeing the joy on Cheng's face eases my nerves slightly. It makes me believe that this could be real.

"Why don't you go on a date tonight? You should show Jade the true beauty of China," his father suggests. "It would be a real shame for her to miss out."

"That sounds wonderful." Xiulan smiles and nods in agreement. She holds my hand in hers, admiring the ring. "Tomorrow, we can search for a wedding dress. Or perhaps, I shall design one myself."

"That would be amazing." I try to smile back. Part of me still refuses to accept this fairytale outcome. It's too easy. But maybe Boqin is just happy that Cheng relinquished his power. Maybe that's why he's accepted me as his future daughter-in-law. Or maybe we actually bonded last night.


Before we leave, his father says goodbye at the door. "Enjoy yourselves," he says with the same strange smile that he gave me last night.

I try not to let it bother me.

Cheng leads me to the garage and quickly types a code into a key pad. "In case you ever need a ride when I'm not around," he says in a hushed tone, "it's 04-22-1992."

"Your birthday?"

He shakes his head. "The day my mom died."

I feel his father's eyes on us. "Were you supposed to tell me that?"

"Aside from business matters," he answers, "I have no secrets from you." With his father just barely beyond earshot, I dare not ask any more questions. 

The garage door opens, and I follow Cheng inside. His most prized possession sits before us: a custom-made black Lotus. The car was a present from his grandfather, and it has been waiting patiently for his return. I've heard plenty of stories about the midnight joyrides, but now, I finally get to see it in person.

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