Interlude - Grandmother's Story

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Music Credit: "Fairytales and Heroes" by Gabriel Saban & Tian Bo 

Fifteen years ago...

"Let's see," the old woman said as she sat on her granddaughter's bed. She moved slowly and gently to avoid agitating her worsening arthritis. Rubbing her sore knees, she contemplated which tale would fit the night's mood. "Shall I tell you about Huang the Wise Yellow Dragon? Or his blue brother, Hailan?"

Jade's stuffed toy was nestled underneath her arm. It was obvious which one was her favorite, but her grandmother proceeded to name the others out of respect for their legacy.

"Their sisters were called Duyi, Fangsu, and Sying. They were blessed with beauty, grace, and the ability to sing songs that would drive men to tears."

The child was not interested in romantic tales. "Tell me about their little brother, Grandma," she begged.

"Ah, yes. The Green Dragon--greatest of all dragons." The woman closed her eyes, trying to set the stage in her mind. "I shall start from the beginning."

Propping herself up on her pillow, Jade listened and waited.

"Many centuries ago, a pair of celestial dragons settled upon the earth and produced seven offspring. All possessed unique gifts and lived as rulers of the animal kingdom. But when mankind spread across the globe, their reign came to an end... and the dragons were hunted nearly to extinction."

This was not the first time Jade had heard this troubling fact. But it was the first time her young mind tried to search for the harsh truth that lied behind it. She cocked her head to the side and posed a burning question: "Why did people want to hurt them, Grandma?"

"I do not know, child." With a sad smile, the old woman looked into her innocent eyes. "People do terrible things every day. It is difficult to understand. Some hearts are poisoned by greed. Others may lash out because of their own fear."

"Were people afraid of the dragons?"

The old woman shook her head. "I believe that the creatures had more reason to be afraid of humans."


"Unfortunately," she answered, "our kind can be very cruel."

"But not all people are bad."

"Not all," her grandmother reassured. "Do not worry. You know that there is more to the story. Now where was I?"

"You almost got to the egg part."

"Yes, the egg." She was pleased by the child's memory. "The Black and White Dragons were the most ancient of all. Many of their children had been slain by the humans, and in order to preserve their kind, they decided to leave this earthly realm forever. But their egg, their youngest child, was due for hatching. As they awaited this day, their hope remained that humans and dragons could once again co-exist peacefully. So, before they returned to the heavens, they left the egg behind."

Jade wiggled with anticipation for the next part.

"High on a mountaintop, monks found the egg and brought it back to their temple. They were surprised by what they found inside, but they were not afraid of the creature. To them, it was a miracle to discover such a rare beast. They called him--"

"Tianlong!" The child threw her arms up in excitement.

"As the dragon grew, he protected the neighboring village just as his guardians had protected him. Thieves and bandits did not dare attack his dwelling. But one day, a formidable enemy arose--his elder brother, Huojin the Red Dragon."

Jade let out a distressed sigh. "The meanest one."

"Yes. He was a jealous dragon. An evil dragon. When he heard about Tianlong's prosperity, he wanted to take the village's riches for himself. And he would not stop there; Huojin wished to rule the entire Earth--but Tianlong would not allow it."

"Tell me about Zhanshi!"

"Patience, patience," her grandmother chuckled. "Although Tianlong fought bravely, his brother beat him to within an inch of his life. All would have been lost, but a young warrior flew to his aid." The old woman puffed out her chest and started speaking with a deep, rumbling voice. "I am Zhanshi--the village's strongest fighter. I have watched you defend our people for many years. This is a burden you shall no longer bear alone."

"Together, we can defeat Huojin!" Jade delivered the next line enthusiastically.

"Inspired by Zhanshi's fearlessness, Tianlong summoned the last bit of his strength and bestowed a blessing upon the warrior. They turned the tide of battle and drove Huojin away. From that day forward, the two formed a bond greater than any friends could share. Zhanshi became known as the Dragon Master, and the village enjoyed peace for a time. But as all things must come to an end, so too did those days of happiness."

"Can we skip this part?"

"I cannot," her grandmother replied. "I must tell you the whole story, just as my mother told me. It is very important."

"Okay." Jade hugged her plush toy and sunk back into her pillow.

"Fueled by his hatred, Huojin swore an oath to take revenge on Tianlong's bloodline. Dark forces swallowed his heart completely, and his relentless pursuit became plague to the village. Many have died in these endless battles, but because of the friendship between dragon and man, hope still remains. Those who followed in Zhanshi's footsteps and the descendants of Tianlong have always subdued Huojin."

"Are they still fighting? Will they ever stop?"

"One day, a warrior will rise up to defeat the Red Dragon for good. There will be no more wars, no more death. Tianlong's people will be free at last."

"Who will it be?" Jade asked, trying to fight against her heavy eyelids.

"Only time will tell us," her grandmother replied, "but I know it will be someone very special." 

"My dragon is special," Jade said sleepily as she clung to her toy. "He's the nicest, fastest, strongest dragon. He tells funny stories... and gives rides to all of the children," she yawned, "and now, I'm not afraid of falling anymore... because if I do... he'll catch me."


In her dreams, the dragon flew Jade to a secret, serene place. Her grandmother rose and pulled the covers over the sleeping child.

Placing a kiss on her forehead, the old woman said, "Goodnight, Dragon Master."


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