Chapter 3

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I was late and there was nothing fashionable about it. My phone had been going off for the last twenty minutes with a slew of messages from Jessie and Liz. I'd even gotten one from Steph. The party had to be in full swing and I was missing it.

When I'd approached my mom about going out, she'd shot the idea right down and I was honestly a bit relieved. However, as the night went on, I'd begun to regret my decision to sit it out.

Too much time alone with my thoughts felt... dangerous.

With a sigh of frustration, I put my computer to the side, got off my bed, and went to my closet. It took me a few minutes, but I picked my favorite pair of jeans that hugged in all the best places and a shirt that had been a favorite of Ashley's. She had loved square necklines and had always said that the navy brought out the color of my pale, blue eyes.

She left the shirt at my house once after letting me borrow it and I'd never been able to bring myself to return it – not once she was gone. I drew courage from wearing it, remembering the way she beamed at me all those months ago when she'd told me to wear it with confidence. Running my hands down my sides, I steeled my nerves.

I fixed up my make-up and combed out my hair before sliding my phone into my back pocket and heading downstairs. "Mom," I called, as I made my way to the family room. I found her sitting on the couch, watching what looked to be a sappy romance.

"Going somewhere?" she asked, looking me up and down.

I needed to handle the situation delicately. I smiled. "Only with your permission."

She didn't look impressed, so I sat down beside her, giving her the chance to pause her movie. Her eyes showed a bit of strain but I could see that she was doing her best to keep her expression open and warm. I did the same.

"I know you want me to stay home tonight, but Jessie called me. She's been having a rough time because... well, you know." The lie came easily, but so did the discomfort from using bits of truth. "It's been about a month since her mom moved to the other side of the country. I think she really wants to forget for a while, you know? Liz wants to take her out for some ice cream and then watch a movie. I was hoping that it would be okay with you."

My mom's lips pursed and I could almost see the gears working behind her eyes, trying to find a reason to say no. She and I both knew she had no real ground to stand on – especially not with the story I'd told.

I decided to push it further. "You can call or text me at any time and I won't sleep over. I'll be home by one at the very latest. I promise." That much I could at least guarantee. I had no plans of staying out all night.

My mom took my hand nearest her and squeezed it in hers, making my rings clink against each other. "Alright, but call if your plans change or if you need anything. Do you have money?"

"I should be good," I told her, leaning in for a quick hug. "Thank you."

I saw my mom pick up her phone as I stood and I knew it was to text my dad. Not wanting to give her the chance to change her mind, I was in my car and pulling out of the driveway, heading out into the night.


It shouldn't have surprised me that I needed to park three houses away. Even with Steph's long driveway, her parties were notorious for getting what seemed to be at least two-thirds of the school to show up. I strongly debated calling Jessie to ask her to walk with me from the car to the house, but I didn't want to tear her away from her fun.

Shaking off my nerves, I got out of the car and locked it, using the flashlight on my phone to guide me. I was only able to take two steps before my walk turned into a full-on sprint. By the time I made it to Steph's driveway, I was winded.

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