Chapter 2: And Yet A Selfless Heart

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School was finally over. Chloe just wouldn't stop joking about Marinette. She probably wouldn't even think about stopping. Marinette texted her parents that she'll be home a little later. She headed for Notre Dame Cathedral.

She sat in one of the benches. It was her to-get-away-from reality place. It always calmed her down. Marinette's mind was at peace until she suddenly heard someone screaming.

"My gosh! Somebody, help!" a woman shouted.

Marinette ran outside. She saw that a building was on fire. Something was telling Marinette to go and see, but it wasn't her home. It wasn't her problem, was it? She then saw a man run to a woman.

"Alex, Alex!" he said, "She's someone's daughter, have you seen her? Somebody call the fire department now!"

Marinette then looked at everyone. They could clearly hear, but no one was doing anything. Sure, the fire department was on their way, but they might not get there in time.

Marinette ran to the man.

"Is anyone in that building?" she asked.

"W-We think there's a kid stuck on the second floor." the man answered.

Marinette then felt a need to go in there and save whoever was in there. She listened to it and began to head inside.

"H-Hey, where are you going?!" the man shouted.

Marinette was already inside. She ran up the stairs and was already up on the second floor. That was step one, and now, find the kid.

She covered her head as some rubble fell behind her. Marinette then heard crying sounds, definitely a child. She looked all around. The crying got louder, it sounded like it was coming from behind. Marinette turned immediately and took off in that direction, dodging the fire. She then saw a door. It was locked of course.

"I'm coming!" she shouted.

She then charged for the door. The only result was her grabbing her shoulder, feeling pain.

"Okay...I didn't think this through..." she winced to herself.

Marinette then kicked down the door with her foot. Took a few tries, but it finally collapsed. She got down, trying to not breathe in too much smoke. She heard creaking sounds. She looked up to see part of the roof falling. Luckily, she dodged out of the way.

Marinette groaned as she got back up. She then heard the child crying. It sounded like it was coming from a closet. She swung the door open, seeing a small little child. She looked barely any older than a toddler. Thank God that I came. Marinette thought.

"It's okay." she assured me, "It's okay. I'm going to get you out of here, come on."

She then picked up the little girl.

"Come on." she continued.

She began to take off. The roof of the room collapsed. Thankfully, Marinette got out of the way. Fire however, ejected out of another room. Marinette could almost feel it. It would've singed her alive if she hadn't moved quick enough.

Marinette was almost to the stairs. But the platform to get there fell. She gripped to the wall to prevent herself and the child from falling. She tried to go back another way, only to be blocked off by more fire and rubble. She turned again, and a fuse box blew. Marinette then knew that this is the only way: She needs to jump before getting out of here.

Marinette took a deep breath, and jumped. The piece of whatever of the platform she landed gave into the newly-added pressure.

Marinette caught the little girl before she could fall. She then tossed her to the safe area. The child took Marinette's hand and began to pull with everything a baby girl her age could muster up. Marinette finally got back up and picked the child back up again.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 10, 2023 ⏰

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