Finn glanced at Florence. "We can also offer them protection, from the things they don't like"

"You ever touch my family, ever," Billy whispered.

"York, Lincoln. Hm. Tranmere Rovers" Arthur stood. Finn chuckled. "Bye Finn, come on Flo"

They walked out together. "He's one nervous lad ain't he" she laughed.


Isiah pushed the door open. "Finn"


"Your lunchtime delivery" he said. "Bring her in" Finn nodded, watching as the girl walked in.


"Chinese in our pub?" Arthur asked. "All right, slowly Mickey let him in" he nodded. "Three little birds, eh, Tommy, Finn and Arthur"

Florence sat sipping whiskey, staring at the two. "Shut up" she whispered as he hid his knife behind his back.

"Mr Thomas" The man said, opening the door. "Mr Arthur" he nodded. His eyes landed on her. "And?"

"It doesn't matter who i am" she shrugged. "Sit"

The man sighed, sitting down. "My name is Brilliant Chang" he said. "Brilliant Chang is dead" Arthur corrected. "Perhaps, sometimes i wonder, is this heaven" he scoffed. "Doesn't smell like heaven so i would say i have survived"

Florence raised her eyebrows, clasping her hands together.


"What happened to Maggie?" Finn asked in a panic. "You don't like me?" The girl asked, placing her coat on the chair. He sighed, sitting down. "I like everything" he said, watching as she sat on the table.

" I like fucking everything" he said. She pulled a gun, pressing it to his neck.


The phone rang. "You should answer the phone, Mr Shelby" he said. "Mickey bring that phone here now" Arthur said.

He picked it up. "Hello?"

"Arthur, Arthur," Finn noted. Florence and Arthur pulled their gun, pointing it at Chang, "I sent a woman with a gun to your youngest brothers office"

"All right Finn," Arthur began. "Wait, wait, what the fuck is going on." Finn asked.

"Do you want to die again Chang, hm?" Arthur asked.

"Good, the guns are pointed, now we are all concentrating. The moment is now pure." Chang said. "Purity is not necessary, displays are not necessary" Tommy shrugged.

"They said 'Tommy Shelby. That door will need some kicking down'" he said.

Tommy leaned forward. "When you walked through that door it was open. You don't need to do anything to get my attention, now what exactly do you want?"

Florence cocked her gun slowly.

"Do you have a match, Mr Shelby?" he asked. Florence threw an open box at him, letting the matches fly everywhere. "Anything happens to my brother, Chang" Arthur said. "You die"

Tommy leaned forward, lighting the man's cigarette.

"If you die here today we'll bury you face down with no hands, sending you straight to hell"

"I don't care about rituals. I am a rationalist, Mr Shelby"

"We'll tell your friend on the phone, to put her gun down and we can all have a talk. Or i'll send Florence over" he threatened. A gun sounded over the phone and Florence stood, Arthur stepped forward.

"Hold your fire brother"

Finn breathed heavily as she shot into the air. "I'm alright she fired into the ceiling"

"Finns all right, he's okay"

Florence slowly sat down again. "Give me the order, hm" Arthur said angrily. "Give me the order Tommy, yes or no"

"At ease. I said at ease"

Arthur lowered his gun. "May i take something from my pocket, Mr Shelby?"

He reached down, pulled out a small envelope and pouring the contents onto the table. "Opium" Florence whispered.

"It is the purest Opium that has ever arrived in Europe. No salt, no flour, no lies. Pure truth"

"Came off a ship called the Capital, out of Shanghai" Tommy said. "Docked at Poplar a week ago, Stevedores were held at gunpoint. Chinese unloaded the cargo by the light of lanterns. A foreman at the dock estimated there was seven tons of that stuff"

Chang scoffed.

"I made a note at the time. I spoke to that particular foreman, and i worked out that seven tons of pure opium crystals would be worth"

"Approximately £1,190,000" Florence finished his sentence. Arthur clapped his hands together. "On international markets"

Chang chuckle. "The big crash, hm? Wall street, now we all keep our ears open for opportunities"

Finn burst in. "What the fuck is going on" he shouted, pointing his gun. "What are you doing" Arthur asked, him and Tommy pushing him to the wall.

"Finn, we are conducting a piece of business"

"She had a gun to my fucking head" he said. "But your trousers are dry, you didn't piss yourself, he didn't piss himself Arthur"

"Well done Finn" Arthur teased. "You had a dispute with a lady and you didn't piss yourself and Arthur here tells me we should put you on the tracks. It'll be a good day for you after all Finn"

"Leave him alone" Florence rolled her eyes. Arthur took his gun.

"Always have your whores searched at the door" Tommy pointed. "If i see that bitch on the street, I'll fucking cut her" he shouted.

" Enough Finn" Florence sighed as Arthur pushed him out the room.

"This is a gift, Mr Shelby, gesture of goodwill" Chang said, giving him the envelope. "I'll throw it in the canal"

"Canals are the idea, Right chang?"

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