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"Dear lord, for what we're about to receive, may the lord make us truly grateful" Polly spoke as they sat around the table.

Florence glanced at Micheal who kept his eyes open.

"Amen" She finished, opening her eyes. "Amen" she repeated, staring at the two. "Amen" Micheal sighed.

They began eating and Florence's head snapped to the door that flung open, coppers walking inside. They grabbed Micheal and Florence.

"What are you doing?" Polly shouted. Florence looked at Micheal with shock on her face. "Get off them what's going on" Polly shouted as they dragged the two away from the house.

Florence shouted as the man aggressively dragged her around.

"Stop it you're hurting her" Micheal hissed. Polly ran after them. "Micheal, Florence! Not again! No you can't take my kids away again"

"She's only fourteen you can't arrest her"

A man grabbed Polly, stopping her from going after them.

"We are arresting them for taking part in a fight" he shouted as they were thrown into the car.

Polly fought out of his grip and ran to the car. "Don't you fucking touch them. Get off them" she cried. "Don't say anything. Tommy will get you out"

Micheal tugged at his hair as Florence held her head.

The man in the hat pressed Polly against the car. "You should know that as of this night, Tommy Shelby is finished" he hissed.

"Micheal" Florence whispered. "Micheal" she repeated. He looked at her, shaking. "Stop, Tommy will fix it" she said.


Tommy stormed into the church where Inspector Campbell sat. "We had a fucking deal" he shouted.

"I would think you would moderate your language in a place of worship"

Tommy snatched the newspaper from his hand, throwing it to the floor. "We had a fucking deal" he repeated. "Mr Shelby, if you've read the papers you might of seen that the home secretary has gotten himself into a bit of a fizz about certain moral issues"

"Prostitution, protection, racketeering, drinking, cocaine and of course, gambling" Campbell sat forward. "And he has demanded results"

"You offered me protection, you promised me protection" Tommy pointed.

"Well, no you see that was Mr Churchill, that made you that promise. And the Home secretary outranks him, so..and i can hardly be blamed if your demented brother decided to go on some sort of blood orgy during dinner"

"Don't you lie to me. Don't sit here in your fucking church and lie to me!" Tommy shouted.

"You will need to contain your emotions or this meeting is at an end"

Tommy stepped away. "Good. That's better. So, let us review the new situation. I have your brother in a prison cell, charged with the murder of Billy Kitchen. The case against him is strong and i have no doubt that his destiny is to hang"

"And then there is Polly's kids, Micheal and Florence-"

"You took the fucking girl? She's a child," Tommy shouted.

"Micheal has already admitted to helping Arthur burn down the Marquis pub, he was a tough nut to crack but crack he did. Florence on the other hand, she's not said a word"

"So i have your brother facing the noose, i have your cousin Micheal facing five years for arson and Florence facing one for assault. And i have your entire organisation in disarray in Birmingham and in London"

"What do you want?" Tommy asked. "What do i want?" Inspector raised his eyebrows. "I don't understand"

"I already agreed to do your fucking killing for you, now what is it you want from me?" he asked.

Inspector Campbell got on his feet.

"An agreement is not the same thing as an assurance now is it?" he questioned.
"You see, i found i wasn't sleeping so well, it wasn't just the smell and the noise in that room, no it was the nagging doubt of knowledge. The knowledge that Tommy Shelby's is not afraid to die. And therefore the threat to your own life might not be enough to make it certain that you will obey me on the given day"

"I also need the power of life and death over your family. And that i now have"


Everyone sat in the betting den patiently when Tommy walked in, slamming the door. "John?" he asked.

"The coppers have lifted ten of our men in Camden Town, the rest are on the run"

Polly stood up, walking over. "They've take Micheal and Florence"

"Business first"

"They took Micheal and Florence. They fucking took Florence, she's a kid" she argued. "Polly business first" he shouted. "John?"

"They took all out whiskey, so no doubt they'll be sipping that for Christmas. They've impounded all out vans, put their own locks on the warehouse. The eden club and all our pubs have been raided by the coppers, and handed back to Sabini and Solomons"

"The black country boys think it was Arthur who killed Billy cause that's what the coppers told them"

"I don't give a fuck about whiskey, i don't care about Billy Kitchen, i want my kids out of prison, now!" She shouted.

"Thomas i spoke to Johnny dogs" Esme said,

"This meeting should just be family" Polly said. "I can help"

"She's not blood Tommy"

"Let her speak"

"Or is this business-" he raised his hand. "Enough" he shouted. "Esme,"

"I spoke to Johnny Dogs, the lees are kin" she continued. "The bloody lees?" Polly asked. "They can give us men"

"We don't need more fucking men, it was men that have done the damage! It is men fighting like fucking cockerels that's have put us here in the first place"

"Esme we'll take up their offer, we need men."

"If Micheal ever gets out of prison, i am taking him far away from this family"

"Not Florence, no?" John raised his eyebrows. "What?" she asked. "It's just you seem more bothered about Micheal getting out. And to me, Florence is my top priority, and she's not even my kid."

She rolled her eyes and walked out, grabbing Finn and taking him.

"We need to focus on getting Florence out, she's a kid, you know what they'll do to her" John spoke.

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