There is More then a Bogart in the School.

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"Elle?" I heard a voice say as who ever it belong to closed the door to my Uncle's office.

"Eleanor?" the cold voice of my Uncle Severus echoed throughout the room. I remained still, barely breathing, hoping he and who ever else was there would go away.

"Maybe she's not in here?" Offered the voice after a minute or two of silence.

"No, I think she's here...somewhere." My uncle suddenly sat in his chair at his desk. In the process his foot smashed the side of my head.

"Ow!" I exclaimed and then covered my mouth with my hands.

"Eleanor?" Uncle Severus peered under the desk. "What are you doing under there?"

"Nothing." I whispered while trying to wipe away the remainder of my tears so it would appear like nothing was wrong.

"Uh-huh..." He raised an eyebrow, showing that he knew that I was lying. "Then explain why you are in my office, under my desk?" I stared at him for a moment, trying to think of an excuse.

"'s comfy and I can think..." He squinted his eyes.


"Yes." I was stilled huddled beneath the desk.

"Eleanor," He got out of the chair.

"Yes?" I asked.

"Get out from under there." I slowly crawled out from under the desk, still facing him.

"So, there is nothing wrong...nothing bothering did nothing wrong..."

"No," I said, looking up at the ceiling.

"For some odd reason, I do not believe you. Draco, what do you think?" I turned around to see Draco standing near the door.

"I think I know what's bothering her, and I think she has a good reason to be upset..." He then walked over to me and wrapped his arms around my torso.

"Why are you here?" I questioned while trying to pull loose from his grip.

"To get a punishment." He smiled.

"For what?"

"Neville made the Bogart of you stand in nothing but your I broke his nose." I let out a giggle, despite the fact that my face was turning bright red.

"Yeah, only I'm aloud to see that, right?" He went in to kiss me, and my heart started to pound. Our lips were only inches away when I heard the familiar fake-cough of my uncle. We both pulled away, blushing. 

"Very cute, but you two still need your punishments. Eleanor, you were embarrassed, but that is no reason to skip a class, for that I have to take away ten points from Slytherin." My jaw dropped. "And Draco, you broke Longbottom's nose, ten more points from Slytherin." Draco and I both looked down in defeat. "But," Uncle Severus said, making us both look back up. "For standing up for another Slytherin, Draco, I give Slytherin 25 points." Broad smiles spread across mine and Draco's faces, and we high-fived. "You may go..." We turned around to go out the door. "Oh, and Eleanor,"

"Yes?" I turned around, expecting the worst,

"No potions class today." He motioned for me to go on and sat back down at his desk.


Not having potions that night made my whole week. Draco and I spent the remainder of the night alone in my Uncle's classroom, because he gave us permission, cuddling and snogging. That night resulted in a good mood for several days that no one, not even Pansy's taunting about my underwear, could break. Not even the dreaded Remedial Potions Class with Draco could bring me down.

Eleanor Snape- Book 1Where stories live. Discover now