Hurt chapter 17

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I'm back to this story 😭

Few months later -
Bakugo -
I was fighting shigaraki because the class was divided up and I don't even know where my dad's are.

I felt something sharp in my side and when I looked down I saw blood... Am I hurt and why do I feel dizzy now? Am I going down.
Everything seems to be going so quickly. One minute I'm hit, the next minute I see shoto and the next I'm In the hospital seeing the lights.

I heard the doctor say I might not make it because assholes don't get better after they hurt.

I want to yell and I want to tell the doctor I'm not an asshole... I'm a human too.

Black - just black.
I'm in darkness and for once I don't mind it until it all comes back to me. I woke up.

Seeing the light.

Shoto why is he crying and where am I? I look around and realize I got hurt and worse my arms are showing. I see my dads and shoto and eyebags and Eri.

" Katsuki your awake thank god" papa said. Eyebags came over to me and slapped me in my face " I'm glad your fucking awake but I swear to God why do this to yourself?" "Katsuki I'll put you in therapy so if you have any resolve feelings they will be sorted out" dad said.
" Listen, I haven't hurt myself for maybe a year now. I been healing and getting better step by step and I really don't need therapy," I said calmly.

I could care less about my scars. I wanna know if shoto ok his crying having his head on the bed I haven't seen him cry like this" Shoto... Are you ok? " I asked.

No response.
After I got out of the hospital there were rumors about me, some were true and some were not. " Hey Bakugo!" Kirishima yelled running up to hug me " man the squad has been missing you like how are you feelin?" he asked" why are people talking about me like I know I'm hot and sexy and amazing and so on" I said smirking talking about myself.

" some rumors said you cut yourself and your lying about the Abuse of your mother and other stuff but those are the top two" he explained" damn.... I can't believe I'm saying this but we're going to have a squad meeting at the park ok I will send the details there's been some things I haven't told you guys and I swear if you guys tell I'm killing you and having shoto freeze you to the point your legs fall off" I threatened him but I think he got the point.

" Kacchan we need to talk," Deku said, bringing me into the boys bathroom." what actually happened? Did your aunt actually abuse you? Are you hurting yourself? Did our teacher adopt you? I want to know" he asked, going into a spiral  of questions.

" Yes my mom abused me now she's in jail, I used to hurt myself now I'm done and you already know this but I guess I need to confirm.
My parents well my adopted parents are our teacher and Mr. Mic which doesn't tell and I'm happy like really happy. "

I explained and he seem relieved after hearing this and hugged me" I'm glad your fine kacchan " he said.

Later -

I when we got at the park I sat them down and talked about the rumors. There were a few tears. But overall they understand and accept me and Scold me.

Now shoto...


I'm making it short because the next chapter is the last chapter I'm debating on should I make another book for the series of 'can you really love me'

Can you really love me ? Book 2Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant