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The train ride towards Hogwarts Wizarding School was gloomier than the usual. The compartments of which usually contained excited students, laughing, eating snacks and talking, were replaced by worried looks and hushed whispering.

The sky was completely covered, by almost black clouds, while the fogged windows prevented from students looking out from it.

Alexandra, a brunette with long dark hair and large brown eyes, elegantly sat with her legs crossed next to the window. She was a quite remarkable girl, not only because of her direct relation to the noble House of Black, but because of her excellent grades on all of her subjects, fearful ambition, and the electrifying beauty that followed her. One look at her and you would have been compelled to leave all of your morals at home and devote to her.

Right next to her sat Draco Malfoy, the blonde boy with piercing blue eyes. He was wearing an all black suit, his eyes contrasting the apparel. The boy had his arms crossed, clenching his jaw as he looked out the basically blacked out window.

"What's got you so shaken up, Draco?" The boy in front of him asked. He had beautiful dark skin, high cheekbones and threatening brown eyes, and answered to the name of Blaise Zabini.

The blonde lifted his head, raising his brow and looking at Blaise before responding, "I cannot believe we have to socialise with filthy mudbloods and idiotic people for another two years." Draco spat, making Blaise slightly chuckle.

Next to Blaise, sat Theodore Nott.

He was tall and slender, with fluffy brown hair and green eyes that resemble those of a snake. He was a quiet boy. Perhaps the type of quiet that endangered the people around him. Theodore's mum had died during childbirth, leaving him to live with his cold father.

On the table next to them, sat Pansy Parkinson. Short black hair was her staple, which contrasted her green eyes. The girl was known to have a potty mouth and a short temper, but she was the most loyal with her group. She looked at Draco, a smirk displaying on her lips.

"We simply cannot put up with them anymore," She implied, shortly glancing at the other dark haired boy who sat in front of her.

He laughed hoarsely, leaning further back on his seat while he had his large hands on the table, fiddling with a black ring, which contanined the initials 'M.R' on it. The boy had big dark eyes and a beautiful smile, which could fool anyone into forgetting who he was. Mattheo Riddle, the one who the moment he was born, the gods flipped a coin. And it never stopped spinning.

The other brunette who sat next to Mattheo, was similar to him within looks. His name was Lorenzo Berkshire, and he was known by the rest of Hogwarts as the mediator of the group. The boy was patient, caring and forgiving. Many would think he'd belong in Hufflepuff instead of Slytherin, but those didn't know who he truly was.

Silence filled the tension ridden carriage, until a girl with medium length brown hair spoke.

"We need to be careful this year." She said softly, looking over at the 7 of her friends. Her name was Astoria Greengrass. She was the honesty the group needed when in doubt. She knew what the future had in store for her. Unfortunately she allowed that to make decisions for herself.

Mattheo looked at Astoria, brows raised. "Why's that? It doesn't actually matter what we do." He replied, shrugging his shoulders. Astoria looked back at the boy who spoke, shaking her head and rolling her eyes in annoyance.

"Have you not seen the rumours? They're onto us." She replied back, looking back at Draco and Alexandra, who sat in complete, almost threatening silence. At this, Draco exchanged looks with Alexandra, making Alexandra speak up.

"Do you actually think people of importance listen to what the newspapers say?" Her voice was elegant and strong, the perfect volume. She looked back at her girl friend, with a raised brow.

Astoria bit her lower lip, trying to muster up a response. She was partly right.

"Besides, you know that the more careful we are, the more room there is for us to slip up."  Alexandra continued, looking at her red manicured nails.

Theodore nodded, while Pansy chuckled slightly. "She's right," the black haired girl said, glancing over at Blaise who kept looking out the window.

"Let's just be how we always are. Then we won't raise any suspicion." Alexandra added, shrugging her shoulders and smiling slightly.

The group was definitely a handful. They weren't so different afterall; all of them were purebloods of wealthy wizarding families. Most people around Hogwarts saw them as a threat. They'd wander the halls as a crowd, always laughing with eachother or glaring at someone who wasn't on the same level as them. 

Alexandra, Pansy and Astoria had a special friendship, like a sisterhood. They held eachother while they cried over boys, gave eachother tampons when one didn't have one, and supported eachother through everything.

Draco and Alexandra had been close through childhood. The girl's father, Sirius Black, took care of her until he was sent to Azkaban while she was only 1 years old. Alexandra had an extremely remarkable look as a child, reminding her relatives of Andromeda Tonks. This resemblance made both Bellatrix and Narcissa be extremely fond of her, as Alexandra reminded them of their sister. After Sirius was sent to Azkaban, Narcissa took Alexandra into her care, therefore being like a sister to Draco.

As Alexandra grew up, she became colder, hungrier for power, and that innocent aura she used to have was lost. She used her beauty to manipulate students, one of them being Ron Weasley. She made him believe that she liked him, therefore making him open up about his friendship issues with Harry, and then reporting back to Lucius and Narcissa.

The girl had become wicked, and so had the rest of the group.

And that similarity she once had to Andromeda, was replaced by the uncanny resemblance of personality she shared with her late uncle, Regulus Black.

The group developed together, having a deep understanding of the position they were all put in the moment they were born.

And none of them had a choice.

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