First Sight

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Chloe Pov 

I turned in my last homework assignment of the day. I have all collage classes and a 4.0 GPA I don't like to call myself a Nerd but I kinda am one If im being honest. I always have people trying to ask me to tutor them or do there homework but I never do it because it distracts me from my homework. I love hanging with my sister we have the best bond and I only help her with homework because I want her to be successful so I do what I can to help her out.

As far as dating I only had one crush and that was in middle school but it went out the window quickly when my grades started going down and I knew I had to let it go. 


I walked into my first class of the day which is trigonometry and took my seat in the front of the class as usual. I over heard the girls next to me talking about Kehlani again and I swear they always flaunting over her and she doesn't even pay attention to them and I don't pay attention to her ether I mean she's nice looking I only seen her twice and that's only been in the hallway. I don't understand why all the girls flaunt over her but whatever.

Mrs. Wilson walked in the class to start the lesson and I immediately pulled my notebook out and started writing notes. As I was writing notes I felt like someone was burning holes in my back but honestly I just figured that someone was trying to copy of my notes so I brushed it off. 


The bell rang and I started packing up and I still felt someone staring at me so I packed up faster so I could get out. As soon as my bag was packed I began to walk out the class just to see who was staring at me I took a glimpse back and low and behold its Kehlani. I didn't even know she was in the class I told you I don't pay attention to her and the way she was starring at me it  looks like she pays a lot of attention to me. This is the only time I got a really good look at her and I can't lie she is good lookin the tattoos, piercings, everything but she's not that special. Im not gonna be one of those girls who flaunt over her so I just continued walking out the class luckily it's my lunch period so I have nothing to do.

I walked to the cafeteria and sat down were I usually sit and got on my phone scrolling through Instagram and eating my lunch which was leftovers from last night my moms Vegan Gumbo and I loved it so much and it was still warm. I was enjoying the peace until I felt someone sit across from me and I immediately became annoyed I looked up and once again it's Kehlani and I was confused.

Why is she sitting with me?

I looked up at her with a blank face because I really didn't know what to say.

Keh: Your so beautiful..

Ok? What an interesting way to start a conversation..

Chloe: Umm Thanks?

I looked back down at my phone thinking she was gonna take the hint but she was really persistent.

Keh: Your the only girl in this school that doesn't pay attention to me.

Chloe: I mean there really isn't anything to pay attention too and plus im not like the others girls at this school.

Keh: I'm glad you aren't that just makes me more interested in you.

I mentally rolled my eyes Im becoming more agitated why can't she just leave me alone?

Chloe: Good for you.. but I'm not interested

Keh: I can change that..

I laughed she got jokes but she's not gonna change anything.

Chloe: Good luck with that.

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