Chapter 7

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"The group that requested the private tour of the club from you have decided to reschedule for next month instead

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"The group that requested the private tour of the club from you have decided to reschedule for next month instead." Catarina informed me. Bare faced and stunning as always, Catarina wore ginger waves were swept away from her face, held together by an emerald-green claw clip. She swam in one of her usual casual fits of a pair jean shorts, a jean jacket, paired with an emerald green spaghetti strapped shirt, dainty white daisy pendant earrings, and some gladiator sandals.

I came into work that day dressed pretty casually as well. A royal blue Adidas hoodie, paired with some comfortable jeans, and black Vans. I opted for concealer instead of foundation, though my lips were painted bright red along with my square tipped nails and I added some squared diamond earrings for something extra, to make it appear as if I had been sleeping for far longer than 3 hours. No sleep was one of the many perks of being the owner of one of the most exclusive BDSM & Kink Clubs in town.

Receiving Drew's text definitely made coming to work a little bit easier, though. With the stress of another large event coming up for Liberacion, coupled with the uncertainty of where Drew and I stood, it was an incredible relief to not have things be so up in the air anymore. Of course, there was always the chance that Drew would in fact back out of our "deal". As fun as it would be, to have him at my mercy, what mattered most to me was his friendship and his trust in me enough to be as honest with me as possible.

"That's perfect actually! I completely forgot about that... D texted me this morning to tell me that he thinks he's ready. Said he wanted to meet this Sunday." I told Cat.

Cat was the first thing anyone saw when they entered the club. There was the entrance to the main lobby and to the left, Cat sat behind a clear bullet-proof screen and about 4 feet away from the from the front desk was the entrance to Cat's office.

I let myself into Cat's office and I immediately walked towards Cat's right side, and I used her coffee machine to make myself my morning café con leche to wake my ass up as Cat began looking through her calendar on her laptop so she could send me today's schedule.

"Aw, I'm glad!... You've been really stressed out about that, huh?" Cat said, eyeing me as I watched the stream of caffeinated fuel fill one of the many mugs I stored in her office. Today it was Jack Skellington.

Once my mug was filled, I turned, mug in hand and I leaned my hips against the kitchenette counter.

"Yeah. Very much so. I don't know what's gonna happen on Sunday, but at least he's communicating. Y'know?" I replied. Cat hummed in agreement before she tapped the 'enter' key on her keyboard as she emailed me my schedule for the day. "Look at you, looking stunning as always!" I flirted playfully, giggling as Cat waved me off with a shake of her head.

"No, you are." She replied, swiveling around in her desk chair to give me a wink. Her response made me snort lightly and it was my turn to wave her off with a roll of my eyes.

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