Chapter 5

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~Harper's POV~

For a moment I stared at Tati and Drew.

I watched their eyes anxiously scan the deep sapphire blue walls of my office in synchronized nervous movements before their eyes settled back on me.

My hands pressed onto the black desk in front of me, I squinted at my friends, thinking I surely heard them wrong.

"Sorry?" I asked as I tilted my head with a raised brow, waiting for them to clarify.

I wasn't exactly a newbie to being a Domme.

But... but these are my friends.

Tati's like a sister to me.

I couldn't possibly...

And there was also Drew's troubling experience with his last "Domme".

"Like T said... we trust you. There's no one I'd feel more comfortable submitting to than you. It just makes sense. You know my story and I trust you not to push certain boundaries. And I love T -'' Drew said as he eyed his girlfriend, and she finished his thought.

"But I'm just not Domme material.'' Tatianna chuckled, as did Drew and I.

I couldn't argue with that.

I knew better than to judge a book by its cover when it comes to this lifestyle, but being as close as I am to the couple, the mere thought of Tati trying her hand at domination, especially where Drew is concerned, is more than a little amusing.

She isn't exactly a pushover; she can be assertive when she needs to be.

But BDSM/Kink was a whole different ballgame.

It's obvious that she much preferred to take a more submissive role in that department.

My eyes continued to ping-pong between Drew and Tatianna as I gathered my thoughts.

I let my eyes settle on Drew's frame, his statuesque frame practically dwarfing the black desk chair.

There was complete sincerity in his eye and the sight made my heart swell.

Despite my hesitations, it was humbling to know that they both trusted me with something as special as complete and total submission.

I licked my lips, choosing my next words carefully.

"One month. 30 days. We'll test this out. We won't go all in at first. You and I have only watched each other in scenes and that's obviously not the same thing as actively playing together. I wanna make sure we do this the right way. I'm sure you understand, D." I said.

And he did.

Drew is one of the most well-known and respected Doms/Switches in the lifestyle and my initial hesitation really had nothing to do with not trusting him.

And despite wishing he hadn't gone through the hell he went through with Monica, I knew that because of that, he knew what it was like to have certain boundaries crossed and I absolutely trusted him to honor whatever boundaries I set in place and I would do the same for him.

Truth be told, the fact that he was held in such high regard in the community, and he trusted me of all people with something like this was more than a compliment.

And it was... overwhelming too.

But it was decided.

For 30 days, Drew McIntyre's mind, body, and soul, would be mine...

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