Chapter-11-Business Ventures

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Before responding, I consider the last part of what she said. Intelligence. Something that I've been dying to know since the situation in the sewers.

Why am I here? What does this mean, What does that mean, why did I nearly get shot by 2 tonnes of 'You have the right to remain silent' because I merely hit a woman who was trying to get my ass beat by the club members?"

Is this a different timeline? A different planet? Am I just mentally deranged and psychotic?
Is it true that the Alliance created this cruel world?
Who is the Great Leader?

"I'm in."

"But, I-I, didn't even say anything else?" She stammers.

"That's all I want. To know what the f*ck is wrong with this place."

"Uh-Well, ok, um, we're doing this because we have never known what happens to Undesirables when they die. That's primarily what I'm looking for. Do they get turned into food?! Are their ashes incinerated in the volcanoes of the Great Islands!? Who knows!!?"

She's out of breath by the last sentence, I feel that this might be something she's interested in.

She gasps and takes the air back in. "Buuut, I'm sure this place will contain whatever else you need to know."

My brain does a little victory dance in my head, and I start brainstorming what we potentially might find.

Maybe we'll find some demented laboratory filled with specimens to try and confirm the theory that 'UD's' are dangerous?!
A mass graveyard of people who opposed these new rules!??!
I'll admit, now I'm getting excited.

"Great! Well, when do we start?!!" I ask.

She stops me.

"Hold on! You seem way too eager to challenge death and waltz into the most dangerous location in the entire Imagisphere, with bodyguards for bodyguards and turrets at every turn.." She reveals.

"Ah, well... I..."

"Didn't think of that because you're stupid?" She adds.

I start to agree with her all the way up until the 'stupid' part and then yell at her because of the rude remark.

"NO! I just, I'm just tired.."

"Well, whatever, are you absolutely sure, that you are in fact 'in'?"

I start thinking of any extra thoughts that might've slipped my mind previously and find nothing taking up too much brain room.


She listens as I respond, and she then springs right back to her cheery self.

She runs to me and grips me in a huge hug that could immobolize an Olympic weight lifter.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you!!!" She spouts.

Surprised, I tense up and recoil in discomfort from the sudden occurrence.

"Oh, sorry." She mutters as she releases me from her embrace.

After wiping myself of as if she has the plague, I get mentally ready for whatever will happen next.

Death defying parkour through treacherous construction zones utilizing the equipment on site?

Leaps of faith off impossibly large balconies?

Gunning down automated extermination robots?

Tripping and immediately getting caught?

Well, that one sounds more believable.

Dimension of Perfection (And It's Flaws)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz