Complications- Chapter 4

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"Mum, I feel horrible. My stomach is twisting, my head is pounding, my back feels like shit, and my throat is really sore," I complained in my bed and started to cry, as if I were in pain. My mom looked rather worried and told me she would call the school and tell them I wasn't coming. As soon as she walked out of the room, I wiped the forced tears and smirked to myself.

I turned my tv on to relax, acting sick, just in case my mom came back in, unexpectedly. There was a knock in my door, and William walked in. I smiled weakly.

"You don't have to act sick around me, I've done this plenty of times before, too ya know," he whispered with a smirk. I smiled wider and dropped the act. We talked until it was time for him to go.

Maria, the maid, walked in with cough syrup. "Your mother told me that you weren't feeling well. I brought you some medicine," she smiled. I smiled back weakly and whimpered a thanks back. she measured it and I downed it as fast as I could, so it would be over as soon as possible. She smiled and left the room and came back seconds later with orange juice.

"For the horrid taste, my dear," she smiled, which I returned weakly with drooping eyes. I drank my orange juice and soon fell asleep.

---(hours later)---

"Wake up, dearest. You have good too eat," my mom woke me up, trying not to move me too much. I smiled and pushed it around my plate, taking tiny bites every now and then, keeping up my act.

"I'm done," I croaked out, and sat back in bed, slowly. My mom nodded and whisked my plate from in front of me and walked out. I closed my eyes, and went too sleep some more.

-hours later-

I heard laughing in my room, causing me too wake up. I looked and saw William and some other guy, who was rather hot, with him. I cleared my throat and they turned around to face me. They both had a face full of makeup on, making me giggle lightly.

"Good afternoon, Elle. This is Devon. Devon, this is my dad's girlfriend's daughter, Elizabeth. She goes by either Elle or Liz. She moved her from Britain, so she is British," William smiled, rather proud of himself for remembering that much about me. We shook hands and I felt myself blush.

"Ok, 2 things. 1- why the hell are you in my room? 2- why do you have on makeup?" I giggled.

"1- because we felt like it. 2- we got bored and found your makeup stash on your desk," William answered, rather amused. I nodded and giggled slightly. My door came open and my mom peeked her head in.

"Are you feeling any better, dear?" She asked. I shrugged lightly.

"I feel decent right now. Still not very well, but decent," I replied in a squeaky voice. She smiled weakly and nodded. She left and closed my door behind her.

"What the hell was that about?" Devon asked curiously, raising an eyebrow. His American accent was so adorable. I felt myself blush again, and explained to him that I was acting. We all talked for a while and Devon left.

"So, I saw you blush twice while Devon was here. Do you have a crush on him, Elle?" He smirked. I felt myself blush once more.

"Oh shush, William! Ok...maybe I do have a small crush on him..." I said as I looked down as I smiled and played with my covers. His smile grew and he almost jumped with excitement, earning a confused, yet disturbed, look from me as I chuckled lightly. He jumped up from my bed and danced around my room, chanting 'Elle has a crush!', while I sat there in embarrassment.

"Shut it!" I said laughing along with him.

"Can I tell him? Please, please, please?" He begged. He stopped jumping around and got on his knees and put his hands to together.

"No way! He probably doesn't even like me like that!" I replied back.

"Awe," he pouted and stood up. He turned on his heel and walked out of my room like a six year old. I heard him chuckle as he shut my door. I smiled at shook my head after he closed the door. My eyes got droopy and I fell back into a soothing slumber.

Hey guys! Sorry we haven't updated much! But we are back now for a little bit!

Much love,


P.S- the boy in the picture is Devon. 5 points to you if you know who it is!


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 03, 2015 ⏰

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