the sorting.

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the huge brast doors swung open to reveal a number of kids sitting at four different tables all with a different coloured badge thing and tigh that went with there black robes, I guess there the houses and were in the great hall.

The professor that adrest were we where came up on stage with a old hat that looked like it was sentries old, a wooden stool and a piece of parchment with various names on it.

Lots of different names were called out until it was finally are turn, "garmadon lloyd" the teacher called and lloyd began walking up on stage, the hat was place on his head and in a few seconds it roared out "Griffendoor" and a table with a red and gold banner arupted with aplures.

Jay was sorted into hufflepuff and he was seated with a lot of warm smiles and kind words, zane got into Ravenclew and was excited to be with people who were smart, not as smart as him but still smart, finally it was my turn "smith kai" the professor called and I headed up onto the stage and sate on the stool, it took along time disiding on what house to put me in but finally it shouted "Slytherren" I wasn't overly thrilled about going to my house because I knew lots of evil lurked in Slytherren and I didn't want to come across any evil at this school.

The Slytherrens all wanted to know why I was hear and why I would have been put in Griffendoor instead but I didn't ensure the questions because I didn't really know myself,

After the food was eaten and the headmaster told us a very long and very boring speech we headed of to our dorms but I didn't want to go to Slytherren even if I had to.

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