47 - I Was So Scared...

Start from the beginning

"How about the media?" Taehyung asked and it was Jimin who answered.

"Nobody knows you're here. Nobody even knew that you were missing, until they found your van. But we managed to keep the media from knowing."

"How's the investigation going?"

"We are gathering evidence against both Sana and her so-called uncle. It's proving to be a little difficult because.."

Jimin let the rest of the sentence trail off before smiling. "You know what, don't worry about it. We will handle all that. You just focus on getting better. Okay?"

"Hmm.." Taehyung hummed in agreement. "Yeah. That's smart. Let them think I drowned or something. We should move fast before they know we are onto them."

"Ohh. It might be a little late for that. They know." Hoseok said with a little chuckle, making everyone else look at him in confusion.

"How-?" Jimin's voice was stopped short by Taehyung's sigh.

"Kookie-" Taehyung looked at Jungkook. "You didn't!"

"Nuh, he definitely did."


"What?" Jungkook huffed in annoyance. "Let's see how you keep your head straight if you were in my place."

Taehyung raised their intertwined hands and gave a soft kiss to the back of Jungkook's palm. "I know, baby. I'm sorry."

After talking some more, Jimin, Yoongi and Hoseok left. Seokjin also left, saying that he needs to go to his department a bit and that he will be back soon. And it was only Jungkook and Taehyung.

"Are you in pain?"

"Hmm.. not really. My ribs kind of hurt, but not that much. My leg doesn't hurt at all. Must be because of the painkillers."

"You should sleep a bit. You need rest."

"All I've done in the past few days was sleep." Taehyung gently ran his thumb over the skin under Jungkook's eyes. The dark circles there were hard to miss. "On the other hand, it doesn't look like you slept at all."

"Maybe." Jungkook sighed as he closed his eyes. "Nightmares"

"I'm sorry, baby."

"Stop apologizing, Tae. It's not your fault."


There were a few seconds of silence.

"I was so scared, Tae."

Taehyung sighed. "Me too, Kookie. I didn't think I'd get to come back to you again. I was ready to say goodbye. I… I said goodbye."

"Thank you for coming back to me."

Again, there was silence for about a minute.

"I'll kill her."

Taehyung chuckled, as only Jungkook would have a pout while giving death threats. "Not that she doesn't deserve it, but I'd rather you stay out of jail. It'll be hard to visit with my leg in a cast."

That made Jungkook smile. The first genuine smile he had after a long time.

Seokjin had just finished checking his patients' files and making necessary adjustments, when he saw Namjoon coming in. The younger inter was wearing the same clothes he did when Seokjin last saw him, making Seokjin understand that he had come straight to the hospital from the village.

Usually, Seokjin tends to avoid Namjoon as to not give an opportunity for the latter's flirting but this time, Seokjin walked towards to meet him halfway. As soon as Namjoon saw the doctor, he made a beeline towards him too. They met in the middle, and to the surprise of others around them, Seokjin gave a soft smile to the younger.

"You came straight to the hospital?"

Namjoon blinked a few times. "Uhh.. yes. Yes, I did. Shoot! I should have gone home and changed clothes. Sorry-"

Seokjin couldn't stop the giggle that slipped past his mouth. Has Namjoon always been this cute? He didn't have much time to think about it when a loud clanging noise disturbed him.

A nurse stood there, the metal tray she was carrying was on the floor with all the contents on it scattered around. She made a squeaking noise when Seokjin's gaze fell on her, and quickly scrambled to pick the stuff she dropped.

Seokjin let his gaze wander around and was surprised to see most of the staff members had open mouths, shocked expressions and seemed to be frozen altogether. Only a few had the decency to look away.

Seokjin felt his smile fade, his heart started to beat a little faster in nervousness and his hands were shaking. He couldn't handle all the shocked stares, not when he finally let his emotions show a bit. Maybe it was a mistake to smile at Namjoon, he should have kept his distance as he normally does, maybe it's-

"Hey." Namjoon's soft call managed to pull Seokjin out of his depressing chain of thoughts. "How is.. uhh.. he? Do you think it'll be possible for me to see him?"

Seokjin stared at the other for a few seconds and could swear he saw Namjoon nodding his head a bit. And a soft smile, which told Seokjin that everything was okay. Strange.. Namjoon didn't even say anything to reassure. But Seokjin believed him.

"Yes, of course you can." Seokjin cleared his throat a bit because the sound came out at a higher pitch than normal. "Follow me. The security won't let you go in without clearance."

Together, they walked towards the VVIP room. Seokjin knocked on the door, before opening it. The people there all looked at the door, and Seokjin felt the previous nervousness returning tenfold.

"M-mom? D-dad?"

Mr Kim gave a displeased look. "Seokjin."

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