05 - Am I Your Friend?

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"How's the drama preparation going?"

Jungkook, who had been scrolling through social media, looked up from the phone at Hoseok's question.

"It's good." Jungkook gave a confident smile. "It's a bit tiring, not gonna lie, but I'm really learning a lot."

"Yeah? I'm still not happy with you going there alone though."

"Hyung, you don't have to tag along everywhere. I'm sure you have better things to do than babysit me."

Hoseok rolled his eyes at that. "Babysitting you is part of my job."

"No it's not." Jungkook sighed. "I don't want to trouble you more than necessary. We are just reading the script and adjusting it. I can manage. And anyway, they are not allowing anyone else inside, other than the cast. I don't want you to get bored while sitting outside."

"Hmm… that's true." Hoseok nodded in agreement but then, his face changed into a playful one. "And besides, I guess you have other people to babysit you there."

Jungkook's eyes quickly darted everywhere. It was done instinctively, even though he knew very well that only Hoseok and him were in the room.

"Hyung!" Jungkook said in a reprimanding tone, while Hoseok smiled in apology.

Jungkook shook his head but he couldn't stop the small smile that came into his face unintentionally. Taehyung is a taboo subject and Hoseok knows very well not to even breathe about it. 

Still, Jungkook couldn't help but feel happy that his manager did that. Taehyung has been a secret that is tightly guarded in Jungkook's heart, and it feels nice when someone else expresses their awareness about it. It helps with the occasional feelings of insecurities Jungkook has.

"He promised to help me." Jungkook whispered, with the air of someone spilling a great secret.

"I'm glad." 

Hoseok got to know about Jungkook's relationship with Taehyung only a few years back. It wasn't that Jungkook didn't trust the elder, he was just so used to keeping Taehyung hidden for so long. 

Jungkook met Taehyung when they were both in high-school. 

9 years ago.

The rooftop of their school has always been Jungkook's safe place. It's where he comes when things get overwhelmed for him. It's where he comes on those rare occasions, when he wants to skip classes. 

No one really comes there, Jungkook wonders whether anyone even knows about it. He found it by accident too. Don't get him wrong, Jungkook is a very sociable and a friendly person. But sometimes, you just gotta have some alone time. 

Jungkook was walking towards his usual spot to sit, when he saw the other. A boy, with similar height and physical build as him, was already sitting there.

The boy had soft, dark brown hair. A thin book in one hand and a drink in the other. He seemed to be reciting lines from a play in a low voice and getting agitated when it didn't go the way he wanted. After watching the boy curse four times, Jungkook decided to make his presence known.

"Uhhmm…" Jungkook's soft call made the other boy let out a startled yell and turn around. "W-would you like me to help you?"

For a few seconds, it looked as if the other boy was not going to respond. Then he gulped and nodded his head with a nervous smile. 

Jungkook walked closer and held his hand out, asking the boy for the papers in his hand. He skimmed over the opened page and looked back at the boy. 

"Which one is your character?"

"The woodcutter."

"Okie.. I'll be the fairy."

And a fairy he had been to Taehyung ever since. They exchanged names on the second meet and numbers on the fifth one. Soon, Taehyung, the wannabe movie star and Jungkook, the future idol, were inseparable. They met mostly at the rooftop, away from the eyes of their peers. Not that it was intentional, It's just that the rooftop was their safe haven. 

After about a year later, they realized the connection that they have in their hearts for each other, was a little different than of two best friends. This realisation left them both surprised and excited, but at the same time, terrified. 

They both knew what it would mean for their future plans as the entertainment industry does not take kindly to two boys in love. Adding that to the slight homophobic tendencies of Taehyung's parents and over protective behaviour of Jungkook's dad, they decided to keep their relationship a secret.
"What is your first impression of your co-star, Jeon Jungkook?"

Taehyung thought for a second as his fingers tightened around the microphone. First impression? Wide bambi eyes that held millions of stars in them, a little nervous smile, the tingle that Taehyung felt when Jungkook's hand accidentally brushed against his when he reached for the script in Taehyung's hand. Or his sweet, sort of musical melody of a voice.

A Fairy. That's the first impression of Jungkook in Taehyung's head. But he can't say it aloud, now can he?

"He's a very dedicated and hardworking person, always eager to learn." Taehyung answered with a well practised smile. "I'm honoured to work with him."

Jungkook watched as Taehyung handled the question professionally. He had seen many interviews of Taehyung but this is the first time he's actually present at the occasion. Watching it on TV doesn't fully convey how charismatic the elder really is.

They were at the press conference, marking the start of the drama and introducing the cast.

"Jungkook-ssi, you're playing Taehyung-ssi's best friend in the drama. How close friends are you two in real life?"

Jungkook turned to look at Taehyung with a mischievous smile. "Am I your friend?"

Taehyung laughed loudly at that, making the media people smile at that playful exchange between two men.

"No, honestly I can't say that we are friends in real life. But as you all are already aware, we are neighbours."

The press conference continued with many questions, most of them directed at Min Yoongi and the three main characters. The media seemed very interested in the interactions between Jungkook and Sana. These two are beloved idols in the country. As much as they loved Taehyung, some of the public was of the opinion that Jungkook and Sana is the better match.

Everyone was very interested to see how this love triangle would work out, even more so outside the shooting.

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