Special Spot in My Heart - Short 12

Start from the beginning

After Tsumugi met all of them, she grew accustomed to the group. The amount of times they all forced them to cosplay was hilarious. At first, Maki was totally against it, but learned to endure it. Shuichi wasn't sure if she was just enduring it because she knew there was no fighting back, or because she was starting to enjoy it.

Besides the group fun they had, Shuichi had a lot of alone time with her. Her parents weren't around often, meaning he could drive over any time he wanted. He couldn't have dreamed that these types of things could happen to him. That girl took a lot of firsts from him. First girlfriend, first kiss, first french kiss, first time.

At school, they'd be the ideal couple. Sitting together at lunch, alongside Maki and Kaito. If Maki and Kaito weren't already the high school sweethearts, it'd probably be them. They were sure as hell a power couple though. Kokichi would sometimes swing by to mess with the four of them, before messing with that green haired boy he liked hanging around so much.

The first few years were perfect, Shuichi couldn't ask for anything more. Good friends and a girlfriend? It was more than anything he hoped or asked for. Things stayed relatively the same until the next summer, after Sophomore year. It was a week before their junior year would start.

He had gotten a text from his beloved. "Hey, can we talk? Wanna meet up?"

Eagerly, he responded. Hoping it would be a fun date or something, Kaito was busy today anyways. "Ya of course!"


Seems she's acting more dry and formal than usual. Now, this was probably a bad sign. Of course, Shuichi was oblivious to this as usual. Thoughts ran into his head making an excuse like, "Oh, maybe she's just busy!"

They eventually met up at his house. A regretful expression was on her face, or what he could make out. She wasn't really looking at him the entire time there, not allowing him to get a good look at her. Most of the time they were making awkward talk that you would expect to see between two new strangers, rather than a couple nearing their first year anniversary.

"Okay, I should probably get this out before I make this any worse for you." Tsumugi finally said, exhaling heavily. The two were sitting at her dining table alone, as her parents were out.

"Yea, of course. What is it?" Shuichi asked, a little nervous about what she had to say. He hasn't ever seen her so serious about something that didn't have to do with fiction.

She looked around the room, idly kicking her legs back and forth. Finally, she mustered up the courage to finally look at him, so he could see her face in full glory once again. "We've lost it."

"What do you mean?" Shuichi questioned, not sure what she meant by that.

"Like, when this relationship started. We both just met, and we both haven't had any experience in a relationship. I don't think we knew what we were doing."

Shuichi faltered, his heart rate slowing by the moment. He slowly put his hands on the table, smiling in hope that this isn't what he thought it was gonna be. Perhaps the smile was to give assurance to himself that it was gonna be okay. "W-Where are you going with this?"

"Don't you think this was more of a... Close friendship than a relationship?" She put up her glasses, yet with guilt. It was clear she didn't want to do this, yet still continued. "D-Don't get me wrong, I definitely had a crush on you and I was really happy when you asked me out!" she waved her hands in front of her before calming down. "It's just... We both didn't know what a relationship truly was, you know?"

Shuichi stayed silent. Now he was the one averting his gaze from her, instead focusing on the crumbs on the table.

"I... I think I'm breaking up with you." She finally gets out after a long time. Some tears were starting to go down her cheeks at this point. "But please, I cherish our friendship. I don't want you to leave, but I understand if you need time. I still want to go to conventions and see your Kanata the White outfit!" She listed all those things quickly with excitement; the same type of excitement he saw when they'd share their nerdy shit as a couple. "...I'm sorry. Can we still be friends?"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28, 2023 ⏰

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