• Dragons

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Dragons are magical, flying, fire-breathing, reptilian-like creatures that once existed across all four continents of the known world. They are roughly scaled with strong jaws, sharp teeth and claws, leathery wings, long necks and tails, and horns along their heads and spines. They have two sets of limbs; two wings that are used as forelegs like a bat and two rear legs. Each dragon holds their own special and unique coloring, from the hue of their scales down to the pigment of their eyes and teeth.


Dragons are commonly referred to as "fire made flesh" in reference to the immense heat that radiates from their bodies. They are known to often emit steam on cold nights because of this. Their dragonfire, which is believed to be the source of such heat, is routinely used to cook their meals before being consumed, as well as a weapon during battle. Their flames strongly correlate with their external coloring, and they steadily become hotter as they age.

The scales of a dragon are almost entirely impervious to fire and are considered to be nearly as strong as steel. Both aspects only grow stronger with age. Dragonbone holds much of the same properties with the addition of being lightweight, and is often used to make bows, dagger hilts, and other forms of weaponry. The lifespan of a dragon is much greater than that of any other naturally occurring animal or creature within the known world. Many dragons live to reach over a century old with the oldest ever recorded, Balerion the Black Dread, having died at almost two hundred.

Dragons, while considered having an exceedingly strong exterior, are not impervious to injury. Younger dragons are more susceptible to dragonflame from other dragons, as well as being wounded from other forces like scorpions, large wooden weapons that resemble a crossbow and shoot projectiles of the same likeness.

Dragons are believed to be intricately tied to magic with many theories of their origin being the result of such powers. No definite correlation has ever been proven between them, but it is noted that after the death of the Last Dragon the winter seasons became longer and colder, while spells and other rituals became less powerful.

The matter of dragon reproduction has been a topic of debate amongst maesters and septons throughout time. According to most, the ability for a dragon to lay eggs proves that said dragon must be female. However, Septon Barth, a septon and Hand of the King during the reign of Jaehaerys I, believed that dragons were able to change their sex when the need arose, but this theory is wildly unpopular amongst historians.


While dragons allow for riders to claim them, they are still sentient and intelligent creatures. Training of a dragon is needed once they are claimed to ensure they will not disobey the commands of their rider. Such commands are given in the ancient language of Valyrian, or otherwise known as High Valyrian.

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