( Before We Begin )

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Welcome to How To Write A Song of Ice and Fire Fanfiction!

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Welcome to How To Write A Song of Ice and Fire Fanfiction!

If you couldn't tell by the title, here is where you can find tips and tricks and useful information that will help you create the perfect ASOIAF fanfiction. Or perfect enough to reach your expectations.

Now, before we begin, I would like to point out that I am not an expert when it comes to the works of George R.R. Martin. I predominantly focus on House Targaryen and the events that are laid out within the book, Fire and Blood, and the show, House of the Dragon. But with all hyperfixations, I try to immerse myself in the world the best I can.

(The timeframe of events in Game of Thrones was a prior hyperfixation some time ago, so that helps quite a bit.)

With that being said, if I say something wrong or leave something out, feel free to comment on it. Nicely, though. I'm open to corrections and additions, but I will not tolerate rudeness.

I also will not allow for arguments to be started in the comments. Friendly and constructive discussion is always welcome, but if that takes a turn, I will not hesitate to delete comments and block anyone who strays from it. This is your only warning.

In addition, please feel free to request things for me to talk about. If there's a certain House you want me to focus on, or a certain character you want to know more about, I will try my best to give as much information as I can.

But remember, this tip book is just for fun. It isn't my priority. Just something I thought could help people with their writing, and also help with my boredom on days when my own writing takes a hit. Updates will not be regular. I could get into a groove of adding things for multiple days straight or go several months without touching this. There is hardly an inbetween. So, keep that in mind if you request something for me to talk about.


I do not own anything talked about within this book. Exceptions to this being the mention of my personal fanfictions. In such case, it will be explicitly stated.

There will be spoilers for Fire and Blood, House of the Dragon, Game of Thrones, and the A Song of Ice and Fire series sprinkled throughout this book. This will be your only spoiler warning.

Everything I talk about here is available within the television shows, the books, and various online platforms. I will provide references if asked for them.

Now without further ado, I present How To Write A Song of Ice and Fire Fanfiction.

- Jordan

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