dear you,

missing. I've done a lot of it lately.
missing opportunities and missing you.

I miss being able to stand beside you,
not having to worry if you're up when I have to tell you what's on my mind.

now I look back and kick myself,
I may have left, but I could have lived so much more if I had just opened my mouth.

I heard laughter one day and realized I missed the warmth of yours,
so rare but so treasured.

I miss the way you tied your shoes, and the way you said my name.
I'd grown tired of it all these years,
but you made it sound
brand new.

I miss that with you, I felt understood,
though I doubt you knew just how far my attachment ran.

I miss that you were everything I wasn't.
smart and compassionate,
friendly and considerate,

love, j

love, j  》nominWhere stories live. Discover now