"What are you, like a camel, right?"

"Oh, welcome to the family, Gina Gray" Polly mocked.


"Isiah" Florence shouted as she walked into the house, the maid taking both hers and Gina's coat. "In the office, Miss Gray" she told her.

"Welcome home, brother" Florence nodded, pushing her hair behind her ears.

"Why is Isiah her?" He asked as they walked through the hall.

"Haven't you heard?" she asked. "We're getting married" Florence told him, holding up her hand and showing the ring. Gina gently held the girls hand, admiring the ring.

"Isiah" She shouted again.

He soon appeared at the door closest. "Micheal?" he asked. "Hello, Isiah" Micheal greeted.

"Isiah, this is Gina, Micheal's wife, they'll be staying with us for a while, that's alright isn't it?" she asked, holding his arm. He nodded. "Nice to meet you, Gina" he said.

"Drinks?" he offered.

Florence nodded and continued walking with the pair. "You can have the bedroom on the right of the guest bathroom, you remember where that is, don't you brother?" she raised an eyebrow.

"I do"

"Good. I'll have the staff in the kitchen to prepare some food , i'm gathering you'll be hungry from travelling" she sighed.

Gina smiled at Micheal, liking his sister.

"I apologise about our mother, Gina. She's a bit of a cow" Florence laughed, sitting down in the front room.

Gina smirked, crossing her legs. "Oh, you can agree, we don't care" Florence shrugged, looking up at Isiah who had returned with a bottle of Champagne.

"So, Ada's pregnant" Florence leaned forward, pouring them a glass. "Again?" Micheal asked. She hummed.

"I'm surprised you've not had one yet" Micheal joked. "Well," she sighed. "Been busy" Isiah said.


Arthur and Tommy walked into the Garrison. "Are you armed?" Polly asked. "Yeah"

"Will you please consider putting your weapons behind the bar, in case feelings behind to run high" she suggested. "Behind me own bar, yeah?" Arthur asked, pulling his gun and emptying the bullets onto the floor.

"I prefer it there"


He signed, placing his gun onto the bar. "I had a dream about a black cat last night, Pol" he said. "A black cat dream means that there is a traitor close by. It was you who taught me that" he raised his brows.

"Black cat can mean lots of things. It can mean you're hurting yourself, betraying yourself" she told him. "Are you seeing things, Thomas?"

"Yes i am, yes i am very clearly" he lit a cigarette. "Coming from every fucking direction"

A car approached outside. "I think it's your Micheal, Pol" he muttered. "What about Florence, hm?"

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