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This is chapter 7 redone and rewritten.

This is chapter 7 redone and rewritten

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As I got up opening my eyes as I usually expected to see and wake up to Mariana as I turned to see the side of the bed empty as I got up having a mini heart attack as I ran downstairs to see nobody down their either as I looked around to see a note on the fridge "Me Dolores and Junior went out shopping :) -Mariana." It wrote as I smiled before going upstairs and brushing my teeth and showering before I headed out to meet Rooney as we had planned to go out today just as usual as we would every time every couple months.

As I arrived to the the Ping Pong court and entered to see Rooney already sitting down "Hey Ronny." He said to me as he went over to me smiling "Hey Wayne let's get started why don't we?" I said as he nodded and we went over to the tables "If I beat you then you own me something." He said as I laughed "Come on man you know I never lose in this." I said as I hit the ball back to his side as it felt like hours as we kept on going until Wayne lost control of the ball making me win.

As we sat down in the chairs exhausted "Good game man, how's training been?" I asked looking over at him "Great man how's your new girlfriend." He asked me as I looked over surprised "You know I had to ask it's everywhere.. So what does she do?" He asked me "She just works for the library I took Junior down there and that's where we met." I said smiling at remembering when I first had saw Mariana "Nice man you might have to get me a girl there.. is it true." He said laughing before going quiet and asking me "The move to Madrid." He said finishing his sentence "I don't know you'll have to find out." I said turning away "Come on Cristiano I'm your best buddy I'm not going to say anything to the media that would be the last person I'd ever speak to!" He said disappointed "Wayne I can't say anything if it happens it happens." I said as I looked outside "Okay.." he said.

"Tell me more about her." He said again breaking the silence as I started to get weirded out even more about his sudden interest for Mariana "She's 23 really that's all." I said not paying attention up to him "Why do you keep asking questions Wayne." I said looking up "Why Cristiano I can't ask you think I'm jealous about you or even the women you get? The chances and teams you can get on just because your Cristiano Ronaldo!" He said raising his voice as I didn't mind him "I think it'd be better if I left." I said taking my bag and leaving not turning back to him.

" I said taking my bag and leaving not turning back to him

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SEVEN - A CRISTIANO RONALDO LOVE STORY Where stories live. Discover now