chapter 17: Silent secrets

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**March 20, 1998**

The truth is unbearable, yet I must record it. The mansion is a vessel for unspeakable horrors, a gateway to a realm beyond our own. The spirits are trapped here, bound by some malevolent force, and I fear I too shall never leave. My every step is watched by something ancient and maleficent, and I have become a prisoner of my own curiosity.

Soejammy sat in the dimly lit room, the diary's ancient pages rustling softly as he read silently to himself. The flickering candlelight cast eerie shadows on the walls, and the air felt heavy with the weight of the mansion's secrets.  Realization hit like a storm finally calming revealing clear skies.  

 Neptune, Noire, Vert and I watched in suspense, our eyes darting around the room as if expecting something to materialize from the shadows. Shiro, on the other hand, stood at the entrance of  the short hallway, her curiosity piqued by the glass cabinet at the far end.

Soejammy's voice broke the silence as he whispered

Soejammy: This diary... it tells of this mansion's dark past, the spirits that haunt it, and the unspeakable horrors hidden within it.

As he spoke, Shiro cautiously began to inch closer to the glass cabinet. Her fingers trembled as she tried to maintain her composure. The others remained engrossed in Soejammy's words. 

As Shiro neared the glass cabinet, she squinted at the blurry shape inside. It seemed to be a face, partially obscured by the dusty glass. She couldn't make out any details, but it drew her in like a moth to a flame.  

I noticed Shiro's increasing fascination and whispered, 

Me: Shiro, be careful. We don't know what's in there.

Shiro nodded, her eyes still fixed on the cabinet.

Shiro: I know, but I need to see.

Her voice wavered, but her curiosity got the best of her.

Just as Shiro leaned in for a closer look, a sudden, spine-chilling whisper emanated from the glass cabinet, causing her to jump back in fright. The others turned their attention toward the hallway, their faces filled with dread.

Soejammy, realizing the sinister nature of the diary's revelations, closed the book with a sense of urgency. The temperature in the room dropped, and the shadows seemed to deepen. The group's collective unease grew. 

In the adjacent room, we began to notice strange occurrences. Objects shifted on their own, and the sound of faint, ghostly laughter filled the air. The mansion itself seemed to come alive, confirming the malevolent history described in the diary.

Shiro clung to me , her fear more pronounced now.

Shiro: I... I don't want to be here. We need to get out of this room, now."

With our resolve strengthened, we hurriedly left the dimly lit room, leaving behind the ominous whispers and shifting shadows. We now sought the library within the sprawling mansion, guided by the cryptic note we had discovered earlier. The flickering candlelight cast eerie silhouettes on the walls as they made their way through the winding corridors, the air filled with an unshakable sense of foreboding.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 23, 2023 ⏰

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