Chapter 12: Depths of despair

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Me: trail of blood...

Soejammy watched the trail of blood, looking to where it seems to end.

Me:You don't think its....

Soejammy: Let's find out instead of making assumptions.

The two of us follow the trail as we went straight ahead then taking a right.

Looking straight up our eyes met a door as the trail seemed to end there. Soejammy flashes light there as we both go there wondering whoever might be in the other side.

I hold the door knob. But knock first.

Me: C-corvus, are you there?

There was no response.

Me: Krillin, Gohan?..

There was a faint sound from the other side.

Me: you can come out, the coast's clear.

I said opening the door but my immediate discovery made me froze in fear.

A zombie like creature with long arms emerged from the door as it nearly grabbed me. I fell backwards due to fear as the creature grabbed my foot.

Me: aaah!

Soejammy fires at the creature's head stunning it as it lets go, I got up quickly and ran with Soejammy. The creature recovered and pursued us. The creature roared as it tried to grab us. Soejammy while running looked back as he fired more rounds at the creature but it didn't seem to slow down the creature that much. Soejammy tried aiming at vital points.

That seemed to  slow it down, the creature grabbed a nearby object and threw it at Soejammy who dodged.

Soejammy: whoa! That was close!

The creature gained on us as we ran.

Me: For a creature that's badly injured it sure has energy to chase us!

Soejammy:Let's hope its not a nemesis 2.0

The creature roared as it tried getting closer as we ran faster.

Soejammy tried firing again but heard a clicking sound.

Soejammy: dammit! Out of ammo..

Me: uh oh

The creature got closer.

Me: Jammy, I'm afraid we have no option but to split up. I'll distract it for a brief moment.

Soejammy: how?

While running a show him a smoke bomb

Soejammy: Wait you took that from my nemesis suit!

Me: yup

The two of us stop in the middle  of two opposite halls.

Me:Alright on the count of three, lets split.

The monster rushed towards us.

Me: 1....

The creature got closer

Me: 2....

The creature almost got close to us.


Soejammy makes a dash for it to the left hall as I still stand there. Although scared a bit I gather some courage.


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