Chapter 13: facing the darkness

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Me: Alright guys whenever you're ready lets set off.

Neptune: one moment.

Neptune was checking the fridge.

Soejammy:Nep we're about to leave  this isn't the time to be eating.

Neptune: What I can't run on an empty stomach.

Me: oh you sure can, just wait.

Neptune: Are you foreshadowing something?

Me: no. Let's get going already!

Neptune follows us as we all leave the room, walking downstairs. Entering the main halls as we all look around while traversing the dark gloomy halls. Soejammy who just reloaded the weapon Corvus gave him earlier held it as everyone continued walking. I held a flashlight.

We walked around for awhile. Nothing strange seemed to happen. Soejammy and I took the lead as we scouted around incase of any surprise attack from a monster.

We came across a new area of the mansion. As usual, the place gave a creepy feel as the place looked dark but it was lit enough to see, thanks to Noire turning on the other lights. The long red carpet spread across to the other end, complimenting the darkish-colored floor. The curtains behind the windows along the wall blew a bit as we passed by them. Neptune looked around. I placed my flashlight around to get a clearer view of the place. Entering a room, we were met with an eerie sensation as the door creaked open. Going in first I check around for anything.

Noire: Do you see anything?

Me: nope.

I shined the flashlight around the room seeing nothing but tables and furniture.
I checked again, this time seeing another door at the other end. I walked towards the door with everyone following me.

I tried opening the door as it opened which revealed a closet.

Noire: oh..its just a closet.

As my flashlight shines on the small room I become alarmed by what I see.

Noire and the others noticing my reaction they looked over as well.

The room was empty. I  moved my flashlight around but didn't see anything at all.

Except for one thing one the wall....

Get out

It was boldly written in red with the edges of the writing dripping down as we all realized it was written with blood.

I freaked out once I noticed  but calmed myself down later on. The others were wary as well. Although this was a warning I felt like it could be a distraction from finding a clue as I gathered the courage to step forward.

Noire: um shouldn't we get a move on? There's nothing in this room..

Me: there has to be something, whoever's behind this probably wants us to think there's nothing here.

Soejammy: what makes you think that?

Me: Well it could be a diversion, although this creepy writing is a warning for us to get out of here.

Neptune: Hm do you think there's a secret switch in here or something?

Me: hmm probably..

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