Part 1: Overture

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  As we moved synchronously to the beat, swaying left and right, all I could think of was how this man matched my energy perfectly. Unlike with other partners I've had, there were no hiccups, no halts and no hesitations. He led the way and I followed, we were in sync from the moment the music began to the moment it ended, he was perfect. It was hard to believe that this was our first time dancing together, we had never met each other before this.   

 While we danced there were moments he would stare at me, into my eyes, it felt like he was examining my soul. I was usually professional when it came to building chemistry in my performances but this time it was hard, I felt myself looking away every once in a while, it was unlike anything i've ever experienced before. It didn't help that he was so good looking either, he had slightly olive toned skin that glowed when the sun hit it, his dark hair was feathered down to his shoulders. His eyes were a brilliant green with specks of brown, his nose situated perfectly, centered and straight and his lips were small but not thin, they were plump and a plush pink hue. What flustered me the most though, was his taunting smile when he realized I couldn't hold eye contact with him for too long.

 The music came to an end, it was the loud claps and cheers of my fellow classmates that brought me back to reality. I mentally face palmed myself, if he was just a bit less attractive, I would've performed much better than that.

"Wow, that was a beautiful performance, thank you Lorelei, you may have a seat."

I scurried to the wall where the rest of my classmates were seated against. My dance instructor, Mr. Gonzalez made his way to the middle of the room where the nameless beauty stood.

"You were so good girl," my closest friend whispered as we waited to hear what sir had to say. I responded to her comment with a smile, however, it was quickly replaced by an awkward look when I turned to see him looking in my direction. I tried to ignore it, assuming he was looking at my prettier friend, as usual.

"Ok, so I know you all must be wondering who this guy is and why is he here? For some, more bitter people, you may be wondering 'Why did Lori get to dance with him and not me' well, the answer to that is simple, she's my best student, the rest of you need to catch up." At this point I was ready to break through the glass window and fall twenty stories down, it would be a better fate than the embarrassment I was feeling at that moment. I hated when he singled me out like that. "Anyway, to answer the first question, this guy right here is Luca, you'll be seeing him here more often as he will be helping me to guide you all. Since I'm getting older I will need someone much younger and more capable than myself to lead the way. He doesn't talk much so go easy on him, he's a bit shy. Although with the chattering you all do on a daily basis, all I can do is pray for his soul. He is an accomplished dancer in mainly ballet and contemporary dance but unlike most of us he is a master of all genres. Can I hear a round of applause for him please?"

The room erupted into thunderous claps. He smiled at the applause and mouthed the words 'thank you'. I could sense the eagerness of all the women who couldn't wait to grab him up and the jealousy of all their boyfriends slithering through the door. Poor thing doesn't know what's coming to him.

"Luca, is there anything you would like to say to the class before we begin?" He gave an awkward chuckle in response; it was hard to believe someone who looked like him was shy. I knew shy because that's what I was and it was often spawned from a lack of confidence, which was birthed by the presence of insecurities, but what does he have to be insecure about?

He began, after brushing pieces of hair out of his face, "Uh, there is not much for me to say after your introduction Señor Gonzalez. I'm happy to help you out but if all your students are similar to Lorelei, then you may not need much help." 'Lorelei' I could listen to him say my name over and over again, much like what I expected, his voice was smooth, not too deep but not high either, it resonated flawlessly in the middle. It was enough to drown out the loathing glares of my fellow female classmates. He tried his best to hide it, but I picked up on a slight accent, I couldn't pinpoint it though, but it just added to his quality.

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