第三十章Sokka & Lynn

Start from the beginning

"Truly heartbreaking for your parents who betrayed the Earth Kingdom for a useless child like you. And truly despicable that you now have your mind set on becoming part of a Nation you will never fit into."

But what part of her would she be denying if she had not? That she enjoyed the developed city of Yu Dao? That she was educated and knew how to read and write? And her loyalty to her lord, or her feelings towards her contracted husband?

Lynn didn't know what she was anymore. Both? Neither? The line seemed too frail. She didn't know what she was even worth to her parents, who risked everything for her, or to Zuko...

Zuko... You're not Ozai... You've accepted me as your part of your Nation even when you can look and me and deny it... I know you will accept my apology... I know you will...

Perhaps the words she desperately wanted to tell Zuko were what was keeping her head sane. She had to tell him.

Lynn felt as if she could give up anything now, except for the chance to talk to Zuko at least once more. Even if she was a conflicted mess, at least she could say something to alleviate his fear of becoming his father.

When the metal door opened the lights from the hallway blinded her temporarily.

Lynn was expecting another round of questions perhaps from Sokka and Suki again. Sokka and Suki... She wished she'd have a relationship like theirs one day...

Or maybe TyLee rushed in shoving another blanket into her cell, and asking if there was anything she could do to improve her aura and mood.

She shielded her eyes from the light with her arm and before her vision was restored, she heard it, and her heart skipped a beat.


The voice of Zuko. The person she desperately wanted to see.

Like a dear in headlights, her green eyes widened, unable to form a word at the sight of the Fire Lord. She watched as he unlocked the metal cell, abandoning the thin blankets on her shoulders when he entered, throwing herself at the man.

"Zuko..." Was all she could manage, before tears streamed down her cheeks uncontrollably.

His embrace was warm around her, "You're free." He said, "I'll make sure you'll never have to suffer anything like this again." he patted the back of her head, letting her tears soak his garnet-colored robes.

Maybe she'd tell him all her bottled-up confessions when she could control her tears. 

Lynn did not have much memory of what happened afterward, maybe she caught a few glimpses of Sokka and Suki? Isuka and TyLee?

But Zuko had kept her close to him, the entire way back. Sometime after she had fallen asleep. She woke up in the bed she was used to sleeping in for the past weeks.

Instead of Zuko, she heard another familiar voice.

"Lynn! You're finally awake!"

It was her mother, who helped her sit up.

"Mom?" She rubbed her eyes.

Before Lynn said anymore, her mother presented her with a bowl of warm congee. It was nothing like any of the food she had since entering the palace. Just plain rice seasoned with salt. The food her parents have made for her every time she refused to eat from a mental episode or sickness.

"It won't be as good as your father's, but Lord Zuko told me what happened and you haven't eaten in days." the older woman said in a concerned voice. "But it's gotten a little cold, I'll get you another bowl." She stood up facing the exit of the large bedroom.

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