Family Feud

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'Yeah, do you know anyone by the name?' Bly froze for a bit as Aniel seemed to have heard her repeat her last name like a creep.

'I don't think so, nevermind' She waved her off. If her demon really was trying to get something across to her, she knew it was no good and didn't want Aniel catching onto that.

Everything had felt so odd and off like there was some evil lurking around this whole place and even this woman in front of her.

Bly stood still for a moment discreetly studying this mysterious woman that happened to oh so be lurking around a creepy manor away from the town at this hour.

She still had no idea how she ended up there or why her feet seemed to bring her to this place but one thing she knew was that this night wasn't going to end well.

Aneil pulled Bly out of her thoughts as she offered to show her the other parts of the manor. Aneil took her through the first floor which held the kitchen, a general dining room, a store, huge living room, a play room that still had numerous toys that probably belonged to the previous occupant's children and a bathroom.

As they 'toured' the upper floor, the eerie feeling was back and even stronger as Bly felt her skin crawl. Goosebumps spread all through the skin as they passed by a certain room with steel door. All the rooms in the building had wooden doors and had been unlocked except this one she was currently standing in front of, Aneil said something about the owners not seeing a reason to lock the doors as they weren't planning on putting it up for sale or ever coming back.

This all the more got Bly thinking, why would anyone give up such a huge building without any plans of sale or return.

Why didn't they just give it to someone that might be interested or more so, someone who loved the place so much that she still visits at late nights.

Why didn't they give the manor to Aniel? Did they even know she still came here.

She could lay out all the questions on Aniel but she knew the woman had been avoiding too much conversation about the place.
She was either going to lie or hide a significant truth.

Aniel seemed to notice that Bly was rooted in place in front of this odd room, she knew Bly had questions and now she was blaming herself for even offering her a tour.

What was she thinking, it was like her mind and mouth were working against her this night.

Aniel knew the dark truth behind that door and sure as hell wasn't going to reveal it to the heir to the throne of 'Hexé' the most powerful and ruling nation of the whole KISHI.

Aniel hadn't expected to be so soon faced with  the Salem head but she sure as hell was anticipating it. Her mother had told her where Bly was.

How she abandoned multiple nations and fled to earth like a little bitch when things got heated in KISHI, leaving her clan, her people,Hexé without a leader.

Aniel should have been fine with this, knowing she and her mother could finally rule KISHI, after so many centuries of feud against the Salem and the whole nation of Hexé.

Killing off their leader and the then heir seemed like the best way to get rid of the biased string of royalty the Salem clan possessed. Bly should have died with them but she was nowhere to be found during this battle to overthrow her mother.

After hearing the next heir was nowhere to be found after the great battle, the Belweathers were finally hopeful of ruling the whole of KISHI as heir of the Kinmandra, the second most powerful nation of KISHI.

The anguish that befell the Kinmandras was now breeded into seething rage and anger which made Aneil come down to earth to find Bly.

They couldn't rule until the Salems' last heir to the throne was dead.

They couldn't have full control of the twelve nations until Bly died by the sword of KISHI.

Aniel had tracked Bly on earth and followed her from New York to Santa Barbara, she had been watching her every move, her life, her earthly family, her lover, everything.

So when she saw someone snooping around the manor earlier, she was hit with mixed feelings when she found out it was who she came to earth for. Who she wanted to bury her claws deep inside till all her organs were exposed. Who she wanted to take her head back to KISHI to finally finish this battle once and for all.

Although, Aniel thought she was aware of everything that made Bly Bly on earth and in KISHI, she seemingly missed out the part that Bly was incredulously and immensely much more powerful than she ever would be.

And this little missing information was going to get her body brutally dismantled that night.

Yeah, i know, this scene is taking a while. I just need to get into details about how we got here.

Hope you enjoy:)

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