◇ Chapter 4 ◇

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Recap from the last chapter

The emperor beast reveals itself to (y/n) while she can only stared at it not from fear but from excitement. "So you are the boss huh... sorry man i need to eliminate you to get back to them... i'm sorry" she said to it while she stared at it with sympathy and excitement.

"I hope you give me a battle that the both of us enjoy in exchange i'll give you a peaceful death... so let's do our best" she said at the emperor beast as it replies with a roar and starts to run forward and attack her.

As she looked at it with excitement and started running towards it.  
------◇The Emperor Beast◇-------

(Y/n)'s P.O.V

'Never thought that there's another emperor beast.... not only that it's a stronger version' I thought as I looked at the Emperor Beast or Parvati, the stronger version of it never have I expected for it to be here. Now that I actually think about it i remember sensing a strong honkai energy earlier inside the cave guess my instincts weren't wrong.

I stood up as i was kneeling on the ground before. My visions starts to get blurry 'just how did i get into this situation' i thought as i began to remember what happened earlier


(Third person P.O.V)

As she started running towards the Honkai Beast or also known as Ganesha an emperor level honkai beast that were on par to the level of strength with an S-rank valkyrie like her. The Ganesha, starts to rush at her as she slide under it and shoot its chest and stomach. 

The Ganesha roared and use it's hind legs to attack her from behind. She did a back flip to dodge the attack from it. She land on her foot and start running around and shoot it with some bullets of her reserved honkai energy. The Ganesha dodge some of the bullets while some bullets hit it making the Ganesha roar and (y/n) smirk thinking that her plan worked.

'I just need to keep doing these until it tires out' she thought as she keep shooting some honkai energy bullets at it and running circles along the way. Unfortunately for her the Ganesha has caught up to her plan and stopped following her and disappear making the (h/c)nette stopped as well and looked behind her.

She didn't even realize that the Ganesha was in front of her due to busy looking for the certain creature. The Ganesha roared and rushed towards to the oblivious valkyrie that was still busy looking.

Hearing a loud roar, she looked in front her and saw the beast rushing towards her but she was too late to block the attack as she was thrown to the wall. The wall makes a huge dent due to the impact of the Ganesha's attack.

She groans and saw that the Ganesha was about to attack her again. She quickly removes herself from the wall and move herself to the side. She can feel her body screaming in pain right now but she dismisses it as she sees the Ganesha starts moving again.

She huffed and looked at it with her pissed eyes. 'This beast is really starting to annoy me' she thought as she ready her gun and thought of a plan that could work. She finally thought of a plan that could work against the Ganesha.

Without a doubt she started shooting bullets everywhere around the place making the place surrounded with smoke. As the smoke filled with dust that (y/n) created around the area making the Ganesha looked everywhere as the dust makes it vision hard to see.

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