Genshin Impact drabbles (Xinglumi)(Heilumi)(Lumirou)💝

Start from the beginning

My steps were hasty, and luckily, I was able to hide in the crowd and escape to the side of the building where the lights didn't reach and I could give myself a chance to breath.

I plonked down and folded my legs into my thighs, and crunched-up rollie poly style. My head hit my legs. I felt my red-hot face hit my equally hot knees.

My vision was unsteady and waving around, I felt the heat getting to me. Is this how Chongyun feels when he eats something spicy? My breath rammed from my mouth like fleeting gasps.

'God... I wanted to act befitting a chivalrous hero for our first date... Yet I ended up running away,' I sighed as I brought my hands over my forehead and cast a shadow upon my face.

'I just need to calm my heart down before I go back, then I can go back to acting like myself.' Yet I don't believe that's going to happen.

How come it so? that you're so good at teasing my heart with your affection my liege?

Oh, but do not fret, for I will become the one that teases and I shall make you flush all the way to your toes, the same way you did to me!
I pushed up from the ground as I declared this to myself.
There's no way I'm losing to you! I'll topple you and be the most affectionate one in this relationship. I vow it on my honour as a disciple of the Guhua's arts! I pledged as I took a tight grasp on my chest.

But even though I said those words, I don't think this bubbly and flowery sensation in my chest will ever go away.

-The end

Genshin Impact: A detective's pursuit. (Heilumi/Heizou x Lumine)

The detective muttered to himself.

His attention caught on a hook, as his closed eyes reached in the dark of his eyelids to find a keyword that would assistance him on this matter looming over him.

A question had puzzled him so deeply that he could not solely answer it with his wits and intuition.

'Is this the case...? Or is it just me mistakenly imputing my judgement on it...' The detective let free a sigh and let his hand fall from his chin to his side.

The caps of his eyes opened and uncovered his olive irises resembling jade, they flickered and twitched and adjusted to the light. Then their sheen travelled to the brown ceiling.

'Hmmm......' The detective relaxed into the backing of his chair alongside his legs that rested themselves on the desk where his feet hovered slightly above in the air.

'When will she come to visit~ How else will I get myself out of this bind...' The detective whined with a big mouth, as he pouted his eyes along with his cheeks puffing out.

'Hmph!' He shook back to a regular sitting position then sourly propped his elbows onto the desk, then rested his jaw into his hands and cupped his fingers around his cheeks.
Then a sigh came out in timing with his affliction, and like a snake's trail it sprouted and wiggled from his mouth across the room.

He imagined her here. Her brilliant gold slashes of hair reminiscent of hayfields. The attentive look in her amber orbs whenever he talked about what cases he was on. The soft hand of hers that he would always interlock his fingers with when he pulled her along for a chase.

The detective looked at his hand, then dejectedly slumped his head onto the desk with his arm outstretched on its surface, his gaze locked on his hand through his bangs.

'Hoo... Well, I'm getting nothing done here! Might as well look for her myself if I want the answer!' the detective suddenly declared, as he sat straight up with a bounce, then popped his hands onto his hips.

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