Genshin Impact: Sumeru's Slippery Roads (Tighlumi) 💝

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I strolled across a rocky road, almost tumbling every step. A bird flapped its wings fast, then swiped passed my vision, presumably it hid from the rain and has now set flight, now that the skies are clear.

I still hadn't gotten use to Sumaru's lush forest floors and all the slippery rock roads. And when it rains, oh boy was it hard, I would slip constantly if I didn't watch my footing. I've been getting better at traversing the terrain, still bad but better. My dress's hem was dabbled with mud, and my heels were soaked in the stuff.

And recently I've also learned a lot about all the different kinds of flora and mushrooms, thanks to a certain fox eared fella.
Which ones are bad, which ones are good. He talked my ear off! I still have nightmares... but it was helpful, just don't tell him I said that!

He's a great guy and his ears... I. Really. Want. To. PET THEM! they're so adorable! Oh and now can I forget his fluffy tail! It looks so silky smooth and soft, but I lack the Courage to ask... what a pity! I am just the most pitiful girl there is! *cries* (I shouldn't be left alone with my thoughts, or else this happens).

'Lumine! Lu-mi-ne! Come on answer me!' I was broken from my thoughts by my floating companion (aka, emergency food) Paimon.
'uh-huh, what is it,' I answered in my usual tone as I took another careful step.

'Don't uh-huh me! I've been calling your name for ten minutes straight! Do you know how furious Paimon is!' My emerge- floating companion said pouting, as she stomped her little foot in the air, and swung her fist in the air.

'Sorry, I was lost in thought,' I apologised, because it was true. Leaving me to my own devices was never a good choice.

'That just won't do,' Paimon crossed her arms and took her pout away out of view, 'but... if you buy Paimon, let's say five sweet madames then she might be able to forgive you!' Paimon clued me in on her true motive, as her arms tucked behind her back, as she stared as me expectingly.

I chuckled, but agreed nonetheless.

'Yay!' Paimon threw her arms into the air then pulled them back to her chest as she celebrated in place by kicking her feet, 'Okay you're forgiven,' Paimon declared, as she smiled and put her hands on her hip,

We continued walking down the path until.


I slipped and fell headfirst, Ouch! that really hurt I thought to myself, as I quickly brought my hand to my aching head.

'Traveler are you okay?!' Paimon asked frantically, as she hovered above me.
I slowly used my arm to lift my upper body from the floor, and said, 'Yea...' I groaned. That was quite a fall, I thought to myself.
'Forget the sweet mandames! We should get you patched up!' Paimon stated concerned, as she did her best to help me up, (even if all she could do was slightly support me).

I was able to get back to my feet.
'Whoa... Paimon's giving up food, that's a first. But don't worry I fee-' my body felt heavy, the strength left in it give out and I fell to ground once again. Limply my body tolled over itself. I must have taken a worst fall then I thought, I thought just before I passed out, but before fully hitting the floor, I felt like I was stationed by something, because I felt a warm touch on my waist pull me into a hold.

'We nee* t* ge* he* to th* village!' A familiar but distant voice called out to me.

Their warm touch grabbed ahold of me. Whoever it was had such a tender touch.

'Wi*l she *e okay!?' I heard a high pitched voice shout, it sounded panicked and worried.
'If we can ge-.... The voices cut out, the rest was just white noise buzzing in my unconscious mind.

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