5. Acid Fog?

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I hadn't realized that I'd fallen asleep. My eyes sting from crying and my head aches. Monty sits next to me. I'm covered in a blanket and on the floor of the drop ship. My mind immediately goes to Jasper. I jump out of the blanket and run forward. I am stopped by Monty's hand. "Woah, slow down there. He's fine. For now." I look at him solemnly, "What'd I miss." Month smiles, a little, "Clarke, Wells and Finn went to go get some seaweed that they think will cure Jasper." I nod. I should've gone with them, "Mera, stop trying to save everyone. Jasper is in good hands. We should take a walk." I smile, "Alright. If you're sure." Monty smiles. He tells Octavia to watch Jasper and we walk out the door. I walk with Monty through the dense forest. Monty chuckles, "So...you're quiet today." I nod, "I guess that I'm...thinking." Monty nods. I cough, "So do you know what happened to those two missing kids?" I ask. He shrugs, "They probably went to have some fun, if you know what I mean." I laugh. Suddenly I look up and see tons of bids flocking our way. They running toward us. they were running away, from something. I see a orange colored mist heading our way. "Mera, run." He says. My eyes stay trained on the mist. He grabs my wrist and pulls me with him. I state for a minute and then run with him. We run until our legs burn. I run until I step on something metal, "It's a door." Monty says. We twist the door until it opens. We rush inside. We close the door and are left alone, in the hiding place.
- - -
"Is it gone?" I ask shivering. Monty shrugs, "Only one way to find out." we had been in the small shack for over two hours. i grab his wrist, "Monty, wait." He turns around. He shakes his hand from my grasp. I watch him intensely. I swallow hard when he opens the latch. He breaths in cool fresh air. I sigh, "We should get back to camp." He nods. We walk back to camp together, neither of us saying a word. I see Bellamy enter the camp along with Clarke. Something is on a stretcher. Octavia runs up to the stretcher. Bellamy puts a hand out but Octavia pushes him out of the way. She runs to the stretcher and pulls the cover over. She takes in a deep breath. I look to see a human. A man, he has dark hair and his face is covered in blotches. It looks like raw leather. I can't look at him, "Atom." Octavia says. She gasps as tears come down her cheeks. She walks past us and into the drop ship door. I feel utterly horrible. This man was Octavia's friend. And now he's dead. I didn't even know him. He was only a kid. He didn't deserve to die. Suddenly I'm beyond angry. Angry with the ark and with everyone in that ugly price of junk. I glare and walk away from the scene. Monty follows after me. I walk back into the drop ship. Jasper lays on a table. His eyes are closed but every now and then, he lets out a groan of pain. I look at him and smile solemnly. I lay my head down next to him and close my eyes. Eventually I fall asleep.

a/n - sorry guys. I just realized I got the plot completely late. I had to rewrite most of this chapter, so... sorry everyone, hope there's no confusion

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