No, he wouldn't let it happen. Even if he had to confront the painful aftermath himself, he would do it to ensure that A'xiao was safe.

A'xiao was the only family he had left, and he wouldn't rest until he had found that precious egg. With his determination unshaken, Xiaoniao decided that the best course of action was to locate Lixin and Yangfan first. He needed to understand what had occurred during the night and whether they were safe.

The concern that they might have sustained injuries while trying to save him weighed heavily on his mind. Firm in his resolve, Xiaoniao dashed out of the shack, clad only in his thin inner robe. His feet were bare, and his hair danced wildly around his face as he raced around the area.

To the passing Disciples on their way to class, the sight was startling. The usually carefree and somewhat foolish second young master of the Zephyr Citadel Sect was charging around like a man possessed. He called out names they had never heard before, his behavior shocking even the Outer Disciples, who knew him well.

Aware of the impending visit of the Emperor of the Cultivation world, some disciples grew concerned. This spectacle could incur the wrath of their sect leader, especially now. In response, some disciples attempted to restrain Xiaoniao, chasing after him to guide him back to his shack. Others tried to comfort him, employing gentle words akin to a parent soothing their child.

Meanwhile, a few disciples merely shook their heads in disbelief, recognizing the futility of trying to reason with Xiaoniao. It was widely acknowledged that his wisdom was akin to that of a three-year-old child. This was perhaps why their sect leader was reluctant to acknowledge him as his son. Consequently, in the eyes of outsiders, Xiaoniao remained non-existent within the Shen family lineage.

Shen Changli, the esteemed sect leader of the Zephyr Citadel Sect and also the Governor of Central Plain Nation, led a life with three wives.

His principal wife, Madam Shen Peiling, was a union entered to honor his esteemed position. Then there was his childhood sweetheart turned concubine, Shen Mengtao. Lastly, there was the one he loved dearly, the departed young master Peng, who happened to be Xiaoniao's mother.

The true origins of the young Master Peng remained shrouded in mystery. All that was known was that one day, the youthful sect leader returned home cradling an extraordinarily beautiful young man in his arms. Nursing him back to health, their bond deepened, and their love blossomed, eventually resulting in the birth of a Hatchling Child.

Whom everyone now known As Xiaoniao.

However, the act of catering to a hatchling took a toll on the frail young master Peng. Before he could see the egg hatch, he succumbed to illness. The sect leader, Shen, took it upon himself to nurture the egg, but as one with dominant qi, this endeavor carried adverse effects. Thus, it wasn't surprising that Xiaoniao emerged with a submissive qi, explaining his sometimes foolish demeanor. At the tender age of 5, Xiaoniao's mother passed away due to illness, sparking resentment from the sect leader.

Xiaoniao was unfairly blamed for his death, leading to a life of hardship and mistreatment. He was removed from the family  tree of Shen clan and relegated to a shack, his life resembling that of a servant. Forbidden from learning cultivation, his punishment was heightened in a world where power equaled honor. The sect leader concealed his existence, going as far as locking him up during important visits to prevent his discovery. Without the first young master and Madam Peiling's affection, Xiaoniao's survival in this world would be doubtful, though their means to help him were limited.

Beyond Xiaoniao, the sect leader had three other children. His eldest, the heir Young Master Shen Yuze, was born to Madam Peiling. Following him was the first young lady, Shen Xing Mei, and the youngest of his four children was the 10-year-old second young lady, Shen Meijuan, whose mother was Concubine Mengtao.

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