have you ever thought

230 16 2

just maybe

you belong with me?

minho awoke to a tranquil morning, the soft sunlight streaming into the room.

as he stirred in his sleep, his eyes gradually focused on the peaceful sight before him-jisung, still asleep, with a serene expression on his face.

in that moment, as he watched the younger sleeping peacefully, the turmoil of his recent breakup and the thoughts of his ex-girlfriend seemed to drift away.

it was as though the presence of his best friend brought a sense of calm and reassurance.

he couldn't help but smile as he observed jisung's relaxed demeanor.

with a contented sigh, he quietly got up from the bed, careful not to wake the sleeping beauty.

as he made his way to the kitchen to prepare breakfast, he couldn't deny the growing sense of warmth and affection he felt towards jisung.

it was a feeling that had been quietly taking root, and he hadn't fully realized it until now.

while he had been grappling with the pain of his recent breakup, he had found solace and comfort in the presence of his best friend.

their friendship had always been a source of support, but now, something deeper was stirring within him-a feeling he couldn't easily explain or ignore.

as he watched jisung, still asleep in the other room, he couldn't help but think about their bond.

the aroma of breakfast wafted through the air, seeping into jisung's dreams and coaxing him awake.

with a contented stretch and a yawn, he opened his eyes, blinking sleepily, and followed his nose to the source of the delicious smell.

"mhm, what's that amazing smell?" he sarcastically spoke knowing damn well what the amazing smell was.

he found his way to the kitchen, where minho was busy at work, whipping up a delicious breakfast spread.

there were pancakes sizzling on the griddle, a pot of freshly brewed coffee, and a selection of fruits neatly arranged on the table, "wow, you've been busy" he giggled as settled in the seat infront of minho.

as the two settled around the counter, they enjoyed the breakfast minho had prepared, their conversation flowed effortlessly. the atmosphere was light and comfortable like always.

"mhm min, these pancakes are amazing!!!" jisung spoke as he savored the delicious breakfast.

but this time, something was different. as minho heard his nickname, his reaction was unexpected.

his cheeks flushed with a faint hint of pink, and he fumbled with his fork for a moment, his expression a mix of surprise and confusion.

"oh, uh, yeah, t-thanks. i'm glad you like them" minho replied with a stammer.

jisung couldn't quite put his finger on it, but there was something about minho's reaction that felt different.

shrugging his thoughts off, their conversation continued, but beneath the surface, a quiet tension lingered.

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"chocolate chip cookie dough, obviously!!!"

with breakfast behind them, minho and jisung found themselves on another adventure-grocery shopping. it was a typical activity they enjoyed together.

while they navigated the aisles of the grocery store, "hmm, i was thinking more along the lines of mint chocolate chip" minho playfully pretended to think.

"i am surprised at your ability to think," jisung chuckled, proud of his reply.

the friendly debate over ice cream flavors quickly escalated into a full-blown, lighthearted argument.

they playfully bickered over which flavor was superior, each defending their choice with enthusiasm.

"well, mint chocolate chip has that refreshing quality that can't be beaten!!" minho huffed as put forward his counter reply.

"mint chocolate chip? are you kidding me? cookie dough is the king of ice cream flavors!!!" jisung replied back as he threw a brick of his favorite ice cream in their cart.

in the end, they compromised, deciding to get both flavors to satisfy their individual cravings.

as the two of them made their way to the checkout counter with their cart full of groceries, jisung just so happened to spot his friend, hyunjin.

they exchanged friendly waves and greetings, jisung made his way towards the aisle where he had spotted him, leaving minho to handle the checkout process alone.

while minho tried his best to not care, he couldn't help but feel a bit abandoned in that moment. it was an unexpected and unfamiliar sensation for him.

however, as he watched the two chatting and laughing, a subtle pang of envy crept into his heart.

as jisung and hyunjin continued their conversation, minho patiently completed the checkout process, all the while grappling with a little bit of jealousy.

you belong with me ; minsungजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें