she wears high heels

172 11 15

i wear sneakers,

she's cheer captain and i'm

on the bleachers. ❞

it was here, the day when misery had fell upon jisung, his birthday!

not very fond of his birthday, the only thing jisung liked about it was minho giving him his full attention with no hae-ri in picture.

as the clock stroke twelve, he patiently waited for a birthday wish from his best friend, he hoped that minho would be the first to reach out with warm wishes, filling his heart with happiness.

however, as the minutes turned into an hour, the anticipated message never arrived.

jisung's excitement began to wane, replaced by a growing sense of disappointment and sadness.

"maybe he's just busy... or he forgot. it's okay, i shouldn't get my hopes up." he sniffled.

with a heavy heart, jisung decided it was best to retire for the night. he was tired, both physically and emotionally, from the rollercoaster of feelings that his birthday had brought.

as he lay in bed, his thoughts drifted to minho and he couldn't help but wonder why the birthday wish he had been longing for had never come.

jisung's eyes grew heavy, and exhaustion overtook his thoughts.

wih a sigh, he finally closed his eyes, hoping that a restful night's sleep would help him put his feelings of sadness and disappointment behind him, at least for the time being.

in the quiet of the night, as jisung drifted off to sleep with a heavy heart, he was suddenly awakened by a soft and gentle voice, "hey, wake up"

blinking his eyes open in the dimly lit room, jisung saw his best friend, who had a mischievous glint in his eyes, holding a small cheesecake with a lit candle.

"what... what's going on?" he softly murmured while rubbing his eyes.

"surprise!" minho shouted after blowing the party horn, "happy birthday!" he shouted again making jisung hit him with a pillow right in the face.

"hey! you'll make me drop the cake!" he exclaimed. minho then placed the cheesecake on the bedside table and lit up the room with a warm smile while motioning for jisung to get out of bed.

"come on smarty pants, let's make a wish." he pulled a half asleep jisung by his arms to make him sit upright.

still in a daze, jisung sat up straight, and minho pulled the table with the cake infront of them. with a flick of the switch, the room was suddenly filled with soft, warm light.

"you remembered?" jisung slowly mumbled as he tried his best to not let the tears spill.

"of course i did, i was waiting for you to go to sleep so i could surprise you properly." minho replied while grinning proudly.

the room bathed in the gentle glow, jisung realized that minho had orchestrated this surprise all along.

the disappointment and sadness from earlier melted away, replaced by an overwhelming sense of joy.

he made a wish and blew out the candle. minho then cut a slice of the cake, and together they enjoyed a late-night birthday celebration.

"you really surprised me, you asshole." jisung mumbled while his mouth was stuffed with the cheesecake.

"i wouldn't have missed your birthday for anything. you're special to me, and i wanted to make sure your day starts on a high note." minho proudly replied making jisung grin happily.

after savoring the delicious cheesecake, jisung and minho realized it was time to get some rest.

they had a big day ahead, with jisung's birthday party to look forward to, and they wanted to be well-rested and ready to enjoy it to the fullest.

jisung cleared away the remnants of the cake, and together, they prepared for a peaceful night's sleep.

they climbed into bed, their bodies tired but content, and snuggled close to each other.

"thank you min" mumbled jisung as the the two quickly doze off to sleep in each others warm embrace.

✩°。⋆⸜ 🎧✮

"thank you lixie!" jisung hugged his best friend as he placed the gift given to him by felix on a table.

jisung's 20th birthday party was a grand affair, held at a popular club that had been privately booked by his parents for the special occasion.

the club was bathed in vibrant, colorful lights that danced to the rhythm of the music, creating an electric atmosphere.

as the night unfolded, his college friends- well not exactly friends since he never really socialized but since it was a big deal, he had invited everyone that were in the same year as him- gathered to celebrate.

the club's pulsating music filled the air, beckoning everyone to the dance floor, where they moved and grooved to the beat, letting loose and having a blast.

jisung and felix dressed in their finest and simplest attire, were at the center of the festivities. they shared laughter, danced, and mingled with friends.

the club's staff had prepared a delectable buffet of food and a wide array of beverages to cater to every guest's preference.

jisung's parents had ensured that every detail was perfect, from the decorations to the music playlist, to make this birthday party an unforgettable experience for him.

jisung's birthday celebration continued to unfold at the club, the atmosphere was electric with laughter, dancing, and joy.

however, a sudden hush fell over the crowd as minho and his girlfriend entered the room.

she was dressed in a striking and attention-grabbing outfit, complete with high heels that accentuated her every step.

her presence demanded attention, and all eyes turned toward her as she made her way through the crowd.

jisung, who had been reveling in the festivities and the warm wishes from friends and family, couldn't help but feel a pang of insecurity as he glanced down at his own attire-simple jeans, t-shirt and his favourite denim jacket, paired with his black converse shoes.

despite the dazzling lights and the cheerful atmosphere, jisung's confidence wavered, and he felt a momentary sense of self-doubt.

he wondered if he paled in comparison to the glamorous and attention-grabbing presence of the best friend's girlfriend.

"so now you're not gonna wish me huh, jerk" jisung groaned as he rolled his eyes.

however, as the night progressed, hae-ri's arrival didn't overshadow the celebration entirely.

his classmates continued to greet jisung, offered warm wishes, and engaged in dancing.

felix, aware of his friend's feelings, approached jisung with a reassuring smile,

"hey, don't worry about what she's wearing or how she looks. tonight is about you, and everyone's here to celebrate you." felix whispered.

jisung simply smiled and nodded his head as if assuring felix that everything was fine.

"anyways meet my friend, hyunjin" felix happily introduced the latter to jisung and playfully winked at him.

hyunjin, brought with him a vibrant energy that was contagious and he had an easygoing charm that instantly put people at ease.

"uh- i think changbin is calling me, bye guys!" felix jokingly left the two alone making jisung immediately understand his friend's antics.

a/n: long chapter ehehe, i had to break it in two parts (^_^;)
double update because i love this
book (^3^)/

you belong with me ; minsungWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt