Chapter 20

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He lifted the blind fold. My mouth dropped.

"Oh my god!!!!!!! Frankie!!!!!!! You got us a house?!!!" That's right. Frank got us a house. Oh my god. It is so beautiful. It was painted a darkish blue with a white trim. It was two stories. There are trees all around it. It was private and amazing. I started crying.

"You like it?" He asked anxiously.

"Oh my god Frank!!! I love it!!! This is for us?" I asked excitingly still crying.

"Yes. For us. Do you wanna go check out the inside?"

"Yes!!!" First I hugged him as tight as I could, then I kissed him, grabbing his hand, pulling him in the house.

"This is beautiful. I love it!"I said very happily. He had gotten all the furniture and everything. There's a small recording studio in the basement. And even a room all set up as an art studio for me.

" We will be living together now?" I asked

"Ya. If you want. We can move all your drawing/painting stuff, then go pack all the stuff at your parents if you want. We have like 6 hours? What do ya say Pancake?"

"Frankie! Yes! This is the sweetest thing ever!!! Yes. Lets go!" Before we started to head for the door, I wrapped my arms around his neck, his around my waist. I stared into his beautiful eyes seductively.

"You look sexy today, you 33 year old." He said to me.

"Your sexy, sweet, amazing, adorable and tiny."

"Hey! Not that small!" then I leaned down slightly and kissed him. His tongue in my mouth. His in mine. He then sat me down on the bed climbing on top of me. We were already in the bed room. His hands were on the wall, and legs up besides my hips, my head was leaning on the wall. My hands on his hips. Then I slowly removed his shirt. Then he did so with mine. That's when my phone rang. God damn it. Oh well. Frank rolled off of me and I went to answer the phone. It was Ray.

"PRINCESS FRO FRO!!!" I answered.

"Hey dude" he said giggling.

"Umm I'm sorry, but umm I forgot what time? Oh. And it is a fancy restaurant. Right?"

"Umm. Ya. It's ok. 7 and yes kind sir. a fancy restaurant." A said in a fancy voice.

"Ok. Thanks"

"No problamo. See ya Fro Fro!"

"Ok dude. Bye" he said. Then I hung up

"Shall we pick up where we left off?" Frank asked seductively.

"Later" I winked

"Oh poo. That's all I get?" He said with a puppy dog face

"Alright then." I said. I got on top of him. Putting my legs on either side of him. Holding his face with both my hands. Sticking my to tongue in his mouth, I made it very intense. We were breathing heavily. I moved to his neck, down his shirtless chest. Then I came back up, slowing down. I got back to his mouth. Ending with one last long kiss. Then pulled away. He had a bulge in his pants. Oh well, I don't care.

"That good enough?" I asked pulling away.

"Ya. But I would like more."he said seductively.

"No Frankie. Later. We gotta get ready. I gotta run over to my parents and grab my suit. You start getting ready. Ill be back in a sec." I kissed him on the cheek. Then ran out the door to the car. When I got to the house I heard the shower running. Then I saw my parents sitting on the couch. 'Mckenna must be in the shower' I thought.

"Your suit is right there Hun." My mom said pointing to it on the couch in the plastic bad.

"Thanks. See you guys soon!" I kissed them both on the cheek then left. When I got back to our place ( it's so nice to say 'OUR place' ) I went to the bathroom. I heard Frank in the bedroom getting dressed. I stared the shower, stripped down and jumped in. After getting cleaned up and shaving, I got out. I blow dried and combed my hair back, brushed my teeth, put on deodorant and cologne. Then went to the bedroom to change. I was wearing a full black suit with a black button up underneath, and black shoes. Expecting myself in the mirror I thought 'damn I clean up nice!' Then I went downstairs where Frank was waiting. He got up when he heard me. He was wearing a navy blue suit, a white button up underneath, and navy blue shoes. He had combed his hair the way he does. He looks so sexy.

"Wow...." We both said it at the same time then giggled. I went to him and hugged him. My arms around his neck, his around my waist.

"Now time for dinner! Then partying our asses off!!!" I yelled running to the car. "And I'm driving!!!" I also yelled in a sassy voice.

"Alright!!!" He yelled back mocking my tone of voice. Then we got in the car. I leaned over and grabbed his shirt pulled him in and kissed him for a long moment. Then we took off!

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