I ignore him again as I can feel myself raging inside and I don't want to affect my connection with him. He has no business at all with what happens between me and Savannah. He's so powerful and smart yet he's a fucking idiot thinking I will feel better interacting or even looking at another bitch when all I want is Savannah. Then I will feel better, she's the only thing that'll help.

"You put me to shame and I have a wife at home. Let us be."

For a moment I thought he was telling me to let him be with these hoes but I hear a bunch of heels leaving the room. I look up to just see Vincent smiling . "Thanks man." I say.

"Don't worry about it I can't fault your loyalty, try your drink and let me know what you think."

I look at the drink on the table and picture that bitch holding it. I'm staying far away from that. "I'll try it in a bit, I'm not feeling it right now."

"You best do. Look, I need you to do a job for me."

"Nah Vincent, I'm not doing any jobs on this holiday."

Vincent sighs. "You do know who you're talking to right? It'll be quick and not far from the hotel."

"Yeah man, I'm not doing it. It's my girls holiday and I'm not doing any jobs on it."

He clenches his jaw slightly then quickly smiles. "You're lucky there's not another you otherwise you wouldn't have a choice right now."

"Trust me I know, that's why I'm like this. I wouldn't even risk saying no to you if I didn't know I could get away with it."

We both laugh together and continue talking a bit more, I made sure not to touch that drink at all. Vincent decides to stay at the bar so I walk out of the room and I notice many people turning to look at me. They're probably wondering who I am to be chilling with the boss. 

As I'm leaving the bar, I hear one girl calling out to me by saying hey to which I ignore and another girl walks in front of me to grab my attention to which I ignore too. I laugh to myself, people are so desperate. 

It's getting late now so I make my way to my room, nobody is in the living room so I head towards mine and Savannah's room. As I enter I don't notice Savannah in the room, she probably left to calm down like me. I will let her be and just sleep in the living area, I search through the wardrobe to see if there's a spare pillow and blanket I can use but I can't find anything.

Oh well.

I make my way to the living area and sit on the sofa in thought. I don't even need a pillow as there's one on the sofa and I can survive without a blanket.

I hear a knock on the door and Adam walks in. "Hey bro are you alright?" He asks.

I sigh and smile. "Yeah I'm good man, did you hear all of that earlier?"

"The argument? Yeah, it sounded rough."

"Trust me it was, I think that's the worst argument we've had."

"I know, I heard. I don't know what has been happening with Sav lately, Rosanna usually always sides with her and she was struggling to think of things in the argument that'd make Sav in the right."

I start to laugh. "She's a good friend her, always looking out for Savannah."

"Yeah, that's my girl." 

"Do you know where she is now?"

"Savannah? Nah but Rosanna told me she wanted time alone. That reminds me, I should go and check on her." He picks up his phone.

"Honestly just leave it, if she's asking Rosanna to be left alone then she's probably really bothered. I think it's best to just give her some space."

He puts his phone in his pocket. "Yeah you're right." He searches the room. "You don't have a blanket? Let me try and find you one." 

Before I can even tell him not to bother he leaves the room, on a hunt for a blanket.

When he leaves, the room fills with silence. 

I miss her.

What feels like a long time later Adam returns with Matt.

Matt throws the blanket towards me as he begins to sit down with Adam. "You good man? Why's your bitch being such a... well you know... a bitch?" He says.

I rub my hands on my face and clench my jaw. "I have no energy for your bullshit, don't call her that again."

"Well why is she though?"

"Because of you. I told her about when you introduced us to that Millie bitch and what she was saying to me and Savannah couldn't take it."

"Millie?" Matt tries to remember.

"This guy." I turn to Adam and scoff whilst shaking my head.

"Today man? You were with a girl and she had a friend and you introduced us to her." Adam says.

"Oh her!! I don't have time to learn peoples names. I fucked her after her friend though, the whore." Matt replies laughing.

"Wow, don't you have enough?" I ask.

"Don't judge me, you were like me at one point."

I cringe at the memory of what I used to be like, I regret that time so much. "Well yeah I told Savannah about her and she got mad. I don't blame her, I'd probably be as mad as her."

"Nah she was on another level mad and you did nothing wrong, you ignored that hoe."

"Yeah that's what I was thinking too, I was there and you didn't do anything bro." Adam says.

"I'm not going to lie when she came to my room and tried to start something, I had to hold back. I don't wanna say anything bad in front of you but who gave her that confidence?" Matt says to me.

I wish I could answer his question but I'm just stuck. 

Adam begins to speak. "To be honest she's been stressed for a while because of the things you've been putting in her head Matt."

"Don't blame me, Theo is the one keeping secrets."

"I don't want Savannah to know things like that about me. I never wanted her to know and whenever she'd ask me where I am or what I'm doing I'd avoid it or just flat out say I'm working with no other detail." I say.

"Don't you think that's a bit... I don't know?" Matt asks holding back.

"Honestly you're right. But the less she knows the better so what do I do now? How do I make things better?"

All three of us are lost in thought, thinking of something that'll fix this.

A smile begins to form on my face. "I know exactly what to do." I finally say.



What do you think Theo's solution is?

Thank you for reading, don't forget to vote and comment!

Bye for now!

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