Chapter 11: Touch Base

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"If word gets out we killed one of our own, we'll be toast," Friedrich said in an urging tone to Max.

Max's head started to droop before it began to perk up. "Alright..." he slurred. "Just this once, I agree with you. I don't wanna get in trouble. And if you say he's trustworthy... whatever," Max grunted.

He groaned for a bit, stretched his arms, and began to lie down on his back. "I need... to sleep..." he mumbled as his voice trailed off.

Friedrich looked right at Alexander, whose eyes were completely shut. Freidrich studied his face for quite a while, analyzing the man he had met earlier in the war. Alexander looked far more aged, and had a few cuts on his face. The dark circles under his blue eyes became at least several shades darker, and the skin between his brows was far more wrinkled.

"It's okay. We're not gonna kill you. I promise," Friedrich whispered gently into Alexander's ears.

Alexander's mind immediately began to relax. The voice in his ear... it was soft, caring, and reassuring. He opened his eyes, assuming it was God. But it wasn't, it was Friedrich, whose face was now just a few centimeters from his. Alexander peered into Friedrich's light blue eyes, and instantly froze up, just as he did when he had the opportunity to shoot him in the West Volga house. He slowly dropped the shard of glass and responded firmly to Friedrich.

"Get... off of me," he grunted.

Friedrich's brow instantly furrowed.

"You're trying to kill me. I can't," Friedrich growled.

Alexander immediately began thrashing around, trying to escape Friedrich's pin. He was no longer interested in killing him, but still wanted to escape the situation. He tried everything to escape Friedrich's stranglehold—kicking, wrestling, punching. After all physical restraint failed, he started to scream at Friedrich.

"If you don't get off me, a bunch of other snipers are gonna come and get you and your disgusting friend!"

Friedrich instantly grew worried. He hadn't even thought about the task force that had been shot at as they climbed through the vents. He slowly bowed his head, and instantly got off of Alexander. As Alexander scrambled to his feet, Friedrich continued to point his pistol at him, ensuring that he wouldn't lunge at him again.

"Hands up!" Friedrich yelled.

"Look. I don't even have a weapon. I don't wanna fight. And there are no other snipers coming. I just want you out of my goddamn house," Alexander said through chafed pants.

Friedrich slowly lowered his weapon. He couldn't tell if Alexander was lying or not. But he had imagined this very moment almost every day for the past 3 months, and he wasn't going to let the opportunity slip by. 

"I wanted... to talk to you," Friedrich quietly uttered.

Alexander sneered before responding. "The hell is there to talk about?" he yelled. Friedrich was taken aback by how confident and masculine Alexander sounded. It made him nervous, like Alexander was plotting for something to happen.

"Why did you save us? Back at the house?" Friedrich asked nervously.

Alexander glared before looking down at his feet. "I don't know. I already killed 3 of you all. Guess I decided that was enough. I actually did shoot at you. I just missed," he grumbled. 

"I don't believe you," Friedrich quipped.

"Yeah, I'm totally lying. It's because I really love how you guys are invading and killing me and my friends. Sorry," Alexander said sarcastically. "Look, why don't you guys just leave. Seriously."

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