Now or Never

454 8 0

Mexico GP

Sunday 30th October 2022
Hotel room

"I know it's hard to accept what is happening in your brain. Just because it's happening to you doesn't mean that you don't need the support of other people around you"

Her phycologist's words are the first thing on Lydia's mind as she wakes up, by the sun hitting on her face. She knows it's before 6 a.m. since her alarm hasn't rang yet. She stays a few minutes laying on her side, looking at the window across her, trying to put her thoughts in order.

She can feel his hand touching her hair and caressing it. She's getting used to the worming feeling as his skin comes in contact with hair and as his body gets closer and closer to her's she can start smelling his so familiar scent. She knows that his green eyes are staring down at her, waiting patiently for her to wake up.

So after a few more seconds she decides to let her thoughts go and turn around and as she does she comes in contact with a pair of loving, green eyes. Her gaze shifts once from his eyes to the rest of his face and she is greeted with two small dimples around his huge worming smile.

"Good morning my love" Charles said cupping her face with his non occupied hand.
"Good morning" Lydia responds back as she pulls her face up in order to make their lips touch.

"You are the most beautiful thing I have ever seen" he whispers a few seconds later as he has broken the kiss but still having their foreheads touch because he is not ready to let go of her touch yet.
"You are really silly you know that?" The girl says laughing as she pulls her face away from him.

"Oh okay. I was just trying to compliment you but if you-" he says but he suddenly gets cut off as she pulls him in for a kiss.
"Shut up" she after kissing him.
"No" he responds back as he connects their lips once more.


"And Max Verstappen wins the Mexican Grand Prix just 0.543 seconds ahead of Lydia Hatzi"

"I think that it's remarkable to say at this point how close Verstappen is to Hatzi and vice versa."

"You think we have a Verstappen-Hamilton 2021 here?"

"Definitely. I think it's obvious how close they are fighting for the championship every weekend for at least the past 5 grand Prix"

"You are right. And don't forget that there are still two grand Prix left"

Tuesday 1st November 2022
Monaco apartment

@ formulafanss: I don't get the hype

@ fanzzzz: she is so arrogant

@ user638282: everyone is saying how great she is but all I see is spoiled.

@ user92727: she is not even that good.

@ justformula: I don't understand why from every girl they had to choose her.

"Hi Lydi." Charles voice distracted Lydia and made her look up from the screen.

Charles had gone out with his brother so she had decided to lay on the couch and scroll on Instagram. When she found a post by the official F1 account saying that she is just 3 points away from Verstappen she couldn't stop the temptation of checking the comments.

Not too much to her suprise most of the comments about her were hate comments. Lydia thought she was aware about how much people in social media hated her but she was wrong. After reading all these comments she didn't know how to feel. Her PR manager had prepared her for when this time came but Lydia didn't think it was that much.

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