Chapter Sixteen

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"Busy fucking Sara? What's he talking about, babe?" Krissy says from behind Ty, my heart sinking into my stomach.

Oh fuck.

And to make matters worse, Krissy wasn't alone...James was standing right next to her, disappointment plastered on his face.

Ty looks down at me with sadness in his eyes before turning to his wife.

"Well?" Krissy presses.

Alec walks over to Ty, clapping him on the shoulder, "Ah, you know me, Krissy, I was just fucking around," he says.

What the actual fuck? Five minutes ago Alec was being a dick about Ty and I and now he's trying to protect us?

Krissy rolls her eyes, "See, this is why I never liked you, Alec. You never did know when you were taking things too far."

"He's lying. I-" Ty starts, quickly stopping when the realization that there's nothing left to hide hits. Krissy was about to finally know the truth, and that was truly terrifying, not just for him, but for me. "I've been having an affair."

"Very funny, can we go back to the reunion now? My champagne is going to be warm by the time-"

"Fucking listen to me, Kristina!" Ty growls, causing Krissy to jump. He pauses for a moment, collecting himself before saying, "I've been cheating on you with Sara since before we even got married," his voice low.

She looks over at me, "You?" she whispers, her voice shaky and unsure.

I gnaw on my lip, biting down so hard that I taste blood, and give Krissy a subtle nod before stealing a glance at James. He stares back at me with his hands in his pockets and I can tell by the woeful look on his face that this is painful for him. Not only because he sees the world around me collapsing, but because he's reliving the moment when his own world collapsed around him.

"You're unbelievable, Sara! I knew you were fucked up, but not this fucked up!" she screams, the vein in her forehead popping out as she goes on, "He's my husband! You were my fucking maid of honor! You stood next to me while we took our vows for fucks sake! You're my best fucking friend, and you pay me back by fucking my husband behind my back for five fucking years?! Are you fucking kidding me? What the fuck did I ever do to you?"


I try to hold back the tears, knowing that no matter what I say, nothing is going to make this situation better.

"And you!" she shouts, shoving her finger at Ty, who's looking equally as dejected as James, "You are a disgusting piece of shit, Tyler Mason! I should have fucking known from the moment that you asked me to marry you that you would never be happy enough with me. That you would never actually give a flying fuck about anything other than your damn self!"

Ty stands there taking it as Krissy continues on, cursing and screaming, pointing out every single one of his flaws, and I can't help but think about how those are the things I loved about him.

Like how he was always just a little bit late because he liked the attention when he walked in the room. Or how he never made his bed in the morning, because why bother making it when I'm just going to make a mess of it again tonight fucking you senseless. Or how he can make you forgive him with just one flash of that perfect fucking smile. And how his heart never truly belonged to anyone other than me.

Krissy finally stops, and takes a breath to ease the rapid rise and fall of her chest, looking between Ty and I who are still standing dangerously close to each other. "Do either of you have anything to say for yourselves, or are you just going to keep standing there acting as if you aren't the two most disgustingly self-absorbed and selfish people on the planet?"

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