"I think you broke my nose!" He whined, a few drops of blood coming through his fingers.

"Don't be so disrespectful next time then if you can't handle a punch." You shot at him. "Keep it up, I dare you. I've been dying to let off some steam all day."

"What the hell!? How can you just hit somebody!?"

"I hit someone who was being gross. Be thankful it was me that did it and not Sting. You'd been dead by now."

Sting smirked, letting out a proud hum as he rested a hand on your shoulder. "Get lost." He added on to your monologue, and they did just that, scurrying off like little field mice.

"Nice punch." Orga let out a chuckle. You nodded, and looked at your knuckles. They were already starting to bruise just a bit, but nothing you weren't used to.

"Way to defend yourself." Sting whispered in your ear before sitting back in his seat. It sent a shiver down your spine, and it was definitely noticeable. Everyone saw you perk up, stare off into the distance with a blank expression— with a rosy tint to your cheeks. Sting saw this too, and couldn't help but feel proud of himself. You heard him chuckle, and when your snapped your head to him wanting to tell him off, he winked at you.

"I hate you." You said under your breath, obviously joking.

"You love me, just admit it."

"No way, you're crazy." You shook your head, returning to your food. Sting would just stare at you, with a look that only Rogue would recognize. It was the look of infatuation and pure adoration which could only lead to the feeling of love. How you were so oblivious to it, he didn't know. However, it wasn't his business, nor place to say anything on the topic. He would only hope that you would realize on your own time, hopefully sooner than later.

As you finished up eating, Sting was rubbing your back in circles yet again. You didn't protest, it felt quite nice. After the emotional day you had, it was a massive stress reliever.

His hand would travel up your back to the back of your neck, where he would gently massage it. He knew that a lot of stress and muscle tension could be held there, so he figured that it would feel good for you. Not in a weird or sexual way...

It did feel good to you, and you enjoyed it until it was time to leave the restaurant and head back to the hotel. You all walked together, talking about today's events, and eventually, the topic of Fairy Tail was discussed.

"I didn't know you were apart of Fairy Tail, Y/n." Orga said as you all walked. You sighed, and rolled your shoulders back and forward to stretch them. After you had done that, Sting wrapped and arm around your shoulders.

"It was a long time ago." You informed him. "The circumstances were..." you trailed off, trying to think of a word to describe what happened.

"Were what?" Rufus asked.

"It was a bad situation." You stated plainly.

"Bad how?" Orga seemed invested.

"They were in debt, there were no jobs, it just wasn't livable." You shrugged, but Sting's arm remained.

"That's when you left?" Rufus asked.


"Stop beating around the bush. Just say it, Y/n." Rogue told you, his voice a bit harsh.

"I didn't want to leave. Master Jiemma showed up one day and bought me."

"Bought you?"

"Mhm. Fairy Tail sold me to Sabertooth."

Sold to Sabers•(Sting x Reader)•Book 1Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt